Start them young, they always say. Once a child has an apparent gift for a certain discipline, moms and dads immediately pour their time and money into honing their child’s skills. Can’t blame them for wanting the best for their kid.
Like little Starr here. She is quite the ice carver on those skates. She’s only seven years old in this video but already you can see the potential in this adorable kid. Most kids her age would be at home playing or shying away from adults, and while that’s understandable, Starr prefers to be out and about on the ice.

It starts off with three kids doing what looks to be practice spins before they skate off the ice. A few moments later, little Starr comes out ready to skate but forgets to remove her jacket. You can hear a lady call to her, asking her to remove her jacket. Cute kid!

Starr starts at speed, incredibly speeding away while stretching her little frame to “Learning to fly” by James Newton Howard.
And it is amazing to see a seven year old kid control her body this way too. Motor skills need a lot of fine tuning in kids but for little Starr here, that doesn’t seem to be an issue. Do you remember what you were up to when you were seven?

The music can be described as uptempo and even frantic but for some reason, she moves at a much more relaxing pace. Much cooler than the ice by the looks of it. Don’t forget the many eyes watching her. But Starr looks to have that ability of blocking out the jitters and thriving on the moment!

Starr looks adorable in her green outfit but when she executes multiple spins on her toes you realize that this little lady is fire on ice. No way can any normal seven year old pull this off!
That has got to be natural born talent right there!

Figure Skating is the oldest sport on the Olympic Winter Games card. The Dutch were the early pioneers of skating which then caught the eye of many royals up until the Americans took notice of the discipline and took responsibility for developing the sport.

Those jumps, spins, and other crazy moves they do help skaters garner points during their performance.
Not to mention there are so many variations for those. No easy feat. The level of physical conditioning, balance, mental toughness, and control are truly staggering. So imagine all of those aspects in the body of a seven year old. Puts many adults to shame.

This stunning seven year old with her dazzling spins and dizzying speed defies all that we know when it comes to kids and the laws of physics. Children her age would be stumbling over and falling on their faces while mom and dad take hilarious videos for their own viewing pleasure.
Starr is a prodigy. Or was. She sure stunned her crowd that day. And if anyone else aside from mom and dad gave her support then that was the best move they could have done. You don’t need an eye for talent to recognize the Starr power.

Check out little Starr’s skating prowess in the video below!
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