Do you have a favorite show on television?
Though it goes without saying, there are plenty of options out there to fill any need or desire. While there is a glut of prestige television shows out there, many of us probably spend more of our time watching cheaper and easier shows—in other words, reality shows.

The trend may have started with something like Survivor, but it has carried through to reality singing and talent shows like American Idol. Regardless, these shows have proliferated and now we have more choices than we know what to do with.
They’ve even spread all the way around the world.

As just one example of a show like this, consider The X Factor.
Though it started off in Britain, it has since become a huge international franchise with different versions of itself all over the world. For those who haven’t seen the show, it basically consists of contestants coming out on stage before a panel of judges.

In each case, they audition before a panel of judges with whatever their talent is. If they’re impressed, they can vote that person forward. If not, they hit their buzzers to “X” them out of the competition.
The performance we’re talking about today comes from the 2014 season of The X Factor Ukraine.

The contestant in question was Valeria Simulik, a 14-year-old girl with a winning smile.
As it turns out, she had performed on the country’s version of Got Talent before when she was much younger. Although she’d had a moment of connection with the judges, she didn’t advance very far.

This time, she was eager to show off how much her voice and her performing skills had grown over the years. After a long introduction, she walked out on stage to present herself to the crowd.
As she walked out, the crowd gave her a warm round of applause.

Before long, she introduced herself to the judges and explained what she’d be doing.
She decided to sing “Set Fire to the Rain” by Adele, a very popular song that isn’t all that easy to sing—after all, Adele’s voice is pretty incredible.

After a moment, the judges clear the way for her to perform. Before long, the backing music starts playing and she’s singing along with the famous melody.
Even though she has her work cut out for her, she’s still nailing all the notes with ease!

When the chorus comes around, Simulik’s voice absolutely soars!
After the crowd hears all the energy she brings to it, they all get on their feet to give her a huge round of applause midway through the performance.

Still, she’s not done performing. As it keeps going, her singing and theatrics only get more and more confident. When it’s all finally over, she takes a bow.
At that, the judges and the audience gives her another huge round of applause!

Though she’d performed on stage before, this performance showed how much she’d grown from her earlier auditions!
Needless to say, all of the judges give her the yeses she’s looking for. As this performance shows, it’s all about picking the right song and bringing the right energy to it—but it’s also about never giving up!

Although she hadn’t made it through in the past, she stuck to her guns and finally impressed everyone like she was supposed to!
Congratulations to Valeria Simulik on her amazing audition! Be sure to watch the whole thing in the link below:
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