Being a teen is great. It’s when we get to try new things and gain a better idea of what it is that we want to do with our lives.
With the realization of your high school years coming and going before you know it, you want to spend your time doing something that makes you happy. After all, if you’re going into college, you just might get recognized for it.

But at the end of the day, being a teen is just that. It’s fun and an opportunity to grow.
Two teens, who seemed to have discovered their calling, were able to put their skills centerstage at the KAR National Dance Competition in 2016.

Kids Artistic Revue National Dance Competition (KAR) is an established dance competition. The competition has been going strong for 38 years and boasts as being “America’s Favorite Dance Competition!”

What sets this competition apart from others is that in addition to recognizing the dancers, they also recognize the teachers, choreographers, and parents whose hard work makes the competition possible.
Their website states:
“Our main goal is to foster a team-building experience both on and off stage, while promoting the extraordinary confidence it takes to be a performer.”
If that doesn’t get you rooting for this competition, perhaps the dancers will!
In this video, Alex Arce and Eva Igo, perform a dance routine to a cover of the megahit song, “As Long As You Love Me,” by the Backstreet Boys.

It’s actually quite surprising that these two teens chose this older song to perform to. After all, it was released in 1997! Though it has been covered mainly at karaoke bars throughout the years, Alex and Eva perform to the cover by Sleeping at Last.

Choreographed by Michele Larkin from Larkin Dance Studio, the duo effortlessly strut their talents across the stage.
They also have the support of the crowd who cheer and scream for them as they arrive on stage. It never hurts to have the crowd on your side walking into these sorts of things!
Alex and Eva waste no time starting things off. Although Alex stumbles at the very beginning, it is only for a moment. He regains his confidence in no time as he and Eva put on a performance to remember.

Their movements are precise and fluid. Alex even lifts Eva into the air with ease.

There are several parts where Eva is on the floor and Alex has to rely on his strength to move her around the stage. Of course, he must do so gently while staying in rhythm. He nails it.

Eva performs beautiful cartwheels and other intricate acrobatic movements that make it obvious that she is a trained performer. Her movements are tender and somehow don’t seem rushed even when she performs them at a faster pace.

However, one of the more stunning parts comes when the two dance separately while staying in unison. Though brief, it’s one of the strengths of their performance. As one isn’t confined to the other, they fling about more freely.

Audience members scream their names and shout as they continue to nail move after move.
When they reunite, it’s just as seamless as when they began. This time around, there’s a relaxation that happens as the two are caught smiling at each other until the end of their performance.

Way to go, Alex and Eva!
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