Beautiful, graceful, elegant – these are words you would use to describe ballet.

There’s nothing more breathtaking than ballet. The flow of the movements and choreography spells out both strength and grace.
It may look easy, but learning ballet and doing it professionally is no joke.
It takes practice, perseverance, and a lot of training.
But could you imagine a ballet performance that would make you ROFLMAO?

Hilarious wouldn’t be the first word to come to mind when you think of ballet performances since they’re usually dramatic and emotional.
But this one will leave a smile on your face or even more!
This is a ballet parody of high school boys in Miklós Révai High School.

The number was performed by six male students of 12th C (Grade 12 Section C) of the school in Győr City in Hungary.
The school had a ribbon-cutting ceremony, and the boys took this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to show their skills and maybe please the ladies – though I’m not sure they’d be successful in the latter.
The guys put together an unforgettable production!

The moment the curtains opened, people were already tickled at the thought that there on stage were six men wearing white tights, white undershirts, and a made-up tutu.
The cheers and laughs from the audience are already telling you this will be a good one!
They all stood firm with their backs upright the moment the music played.

You can tell they’ve been practicing the basic arm steps as they flail their arms up and down from the first to fifth ballet arm position.
They made a turn in tiny little tiptoes, and the crowd was pleased. This is just the warm-up, though.
They formed a line for their subsequent formation.

Holding that fifth arm position, they alternately bent their bodies from left to right.
Then, they flailed their arms at different times to give the illusion that the dancer up front had twelve arms.
Again, the audience laughed, entertained by this number.
The boys lined up and alternatively did the plié.

Then, they broke the line into two, crossed their arms and held hands, and moved in circles by tiptoeing.
After a few rounds, they formed one line and did the same. The audience laughed harder.
They did a little freestyling toward the end of their performance.

Some of them jumped while the others turned. They are still all in character doing tiptoes and flailing their hands.
They ended their performance by forming a mini pyramid, their arms up for their final pose.
The boys looked proud and accomplished with their number.
They took their bow and exited the stage, still doing their basic ballet steps.
The crowd applauded the men for their performance; even netizens loved it.

Most people commended them on their dedication to that performance, knowing that ballet is not easy to learn.
Viewers recognized that they may have practiced that far more than we would expect.
But the one thing they applauded was how they kept a straight face despite knowing how funny they were and seeing most of the audience laughing at them.