Talented couple makes the crowd cheer with incredible improvised swing dance routine
They brought so much personality to this dance.
Elijah Chan

There’s something majestic about watching two experienced dancers take the stage with their creative routines.

PJ Turner and Tashina Beckmann dropped jaws as they made easy work of Meghan Trainor’s hit song “Me Too.”

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The couple started with a very casual greeting.

By their looks and clothes, they look like an ordinary couple who randomly walked into a dance contest.

The couple, PJ Turner and Tashina Beckmann, are contestants at the Rose City Swing competition.

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The couple’s style of choice? The West Coast Swing. It’s a dance style that traces its origins to the Lindy Hop and was famous during the 1940s and 1950s.

The couple started with some fluid dance moves.

It’s like their arms and legs are wiggling on their own. Then, they turned to the sassier versions of themselves, snapping their fingers and whipping their hair about.

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YouTube Screenshot - Musicologia

This is the beauty of the West Coast Swing as most of the moves are improvised. This is also why the dance is reserved for the most experienced performers like Beckmann and Turner.

Turner started his career through Jack and Jills and other dance competitions.

In 2012, he received his award as the NASDE tour champion. Turner also received accolades like the Prestigious Bob Preiss Social Dance Award from Swing Diego, Boogie by the Bay, and River City Swing.

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He met Beckmann in 2013. The two became great partners and danced six routines through different dance floors.

Turner became a full-time dancer in 2015. He now travels all over the world performing, judging, competing, teaching, and most of all, dancing.

Meanwhile, Beckmann pursued dancing but on a quite different path. She teaches confidence lessons to aspiring dancers, especially those who want to try swing.

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Swing is a highly intuitive dance that requires trust and confidence. Since most of the dance is improvised, one must learn how to lead, teach, and follow.

The minute-and-a-half dance showcased their creativity.

At one point, Turner bumps Beckmann’s head to “activate” her dancing frenzy. The whole maneuver continued into a full spin that made the audience stand on their feet and cheer.

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YouTube Screenshot - Musicologia

It just got better from there. Turner then put his dancing feet on a mad shuffle while Beckmann spun on her feet.

The Rose City Swing is a community dedicated to fostering a welcoming environment for creatives. According to their website, their mission is to make swing accessible for all.

They want their events to be fun, warm, challenging for some, and enjoyable for others.

People all over the internet loved the couple’s performance.

“Who else has watched this 95 times and is still trying to grasp their every move?? love this so much!” said one commenter.

“I know very little about dancing, but I keep watching this. It’s so full of joy and humor!” said another.

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YouTube Screenshot - Musicologia

“They “listen” to each other!” said one, “It’s truly amazing to see how improv in dance is very much like improv in acting, where you have to always listen to your partner and always say Yes! Bravo to both!”

Watch this amazing improv swing performance below!

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