Dance is one of the few things that can be appreciated by everyone, no matter what the genre. In this video, we see a brother and sister duo rock the stage of the Open Swing Dance Championship. Watch these kids bring swing back to life, and you might recognize their last name!
What exactly is swing dancing?
Swing dance is a lively style of dancing that is very social and usually entails a lot of lifts, spins, and/or flips. Swing dancing is widely recognized as being a hip and cool dance, even though it is an older one. You’ll definitely recognize a pair of swing dancers while out and about!
There are tons of different variations of swing dancing including the Carolina shag, Jitterbug, and perhaps the most popular form of swing, the Lindy Hop. Swing dancing is tons of fun and a great way to meet people.
It became popular during the 1920s with jazz music, but eventually, it just became “music that swings” that is qualifying swing music. In this video, we see young Jack and Jasmine Willis show off swing dancing like no other, which is especially impressive due to their age.
As the kids begin their routine, you can tell they are extremely talented
The song they choose to do their swing dance routine is actually a family song! It is their older sister singing while the rest of the kids play the instruments in the background, talk about a talented bunch. You can tell Jack and Jasmine practiced a lot and have talent in their blood.
As they begin their performance, you can tell both kids are ready to rock the stage. Both are amazingly talented, and Jasmine brings all the sass to the stage, you can tell she was born to perform just like the rest of their family. These kids are so in sync you can tell not only is its practice, but the bond they share.
Jack and Jasmine show off their swing talents with many spins and lifts, with a few occasional complicated flips. Most of the moves they perform, an adult wouldn’t be able to do! The way these kids move their bodies makes it look like they aren’t even attached.
Who exactly are these kiddos and what talented clan do they belong to?
You might have recognized the last name Willis because the Willis Clan is a widely popular family band. They have over one hundred and eighty thousand followers on Facebook and are an extremely talented family. With that being said, it makes sense how Jack and Jasmine have such skill and talent, it runs in the family!
By the end of their amazing performance, the crowd gives them a huge standing ovation and these kids deserve it! The fact that they could perform moves that most grown adults have problems with shows their raw talent. This family is absolutely talented and you can tell it’s in the genes.
You can follow the Willis Clan on Facebook and Instagram, they also have a website where you can keep updated with their future music releases. Jack and Jasmine showed that swing dancing is still very hip and cool and that talent runs in this family!
Watch Jack and Jasmine bring swing dancing back to life for yourself down below!
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