Young Teen’s Fancy Footwork Earns Them 1st Place
I could not stop smiling all the way through.
Chesney McDonald

You think of swing dancing and you probably think of old-timey dance parties, populated (and perpetrated) by ladies and gents of a bygone era. We are however, seeing somewhat of a renaissance of swing styles of dance among younger groups. Increasingly we are seeing younger adults in their late teens to early twenties taking to the stage to tap their toes in time.

However, the trend is reaching even younger dancers than that!

Byron Stumman on Unsplash
Byron Stumman on Unsplash

In fact there are even competitions for children who have an emerging talent in the art of various swing styles.

One such competition is The Open 2019 Swing Dance Championships. Up on stage we have Billy and Maci who take the first place for the junior division shag style dance. Don’t worry this isn’t a spoiler (least of all because it says “1st place” in the title of the video), because the true treat is seeing just how talented these young winners are.

The pair line up, game faces on…

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And when they begin moving, you can’t believe your eyes!

Billy starts off strong with his advanced footwork. I challenge you to keep your jaw off the floor when this kid starts doing his thing! His feet move lightning quick, and with coordination beyond his years, he dazzles the crowd, light on his feet but heavy on the style. This kid has moves, and he’s not afraid to show them off.

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They’re a fantastic team and they dance so well together.

I shudder to think how much rehearsal it takes to achieve such unison between two dancers at such a young age. I suppose they’ve probably been dancing together for some time, otherwise they are advanced enough to manage seemingly effortless teamwork.

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And it’s not just footwork!

In true shag style dance, they move in and out of each other’s arms faster than a hugathon. They spin and twirl and do all the fancy footwork you’d expect from a a master of the dance floor in the 1920’s. They’re one jazzy pair, even at their underripe young age.

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And it’s not just Maci who gets to spin.

All’s fair in love and swing dancing. This means that Billy gets to show off how masterfully he can spin on a dime, every time….daddy-o… OK I don’t think I’m jazzy enough myself to pull the lingo off.

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These kids have some bright dance-filled futures for sure!

The shag style seems to come so naturally to them, and I can only imagine how good they’ll be in future if they stick with it. What’s more, they seem to really enjoy it. I don’t think there’s a pushy dance-mom living vicariously behind the scenes with these two eager dancers.

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And just to take it home, Billy treats the audience to another stylish dip-twirl (not the official name of the move!)

Ok, just give them the first prize for coolness as well, because that move is awesome. While Billy spins, he’s able to dip low and pivot like a pro. Great stuff Billy, that’s how to take that medal.

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Watch the full video below to enjoy this toe tapping triumph!

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