Camera Zooms In On Reluctant Seat Attendant - Dance Moves Go Viral With 70 Million Views
This guy can DANCE!
Arianna Etemadieh

Dance cams, kiss cams, hug cams – whatever the topic is, cams at a sports game are a classic tradition.

For some sports fans, getting featured on a cam can be the highlight of their night. Being shown on a huge screen for thousands to see is quite a rush, not to mention the video can live forever on the internet.

One evening, during a Houston Rockets basketball game, fans were dancing and having fun to Toni Basil’s “Hey Mickey”. Everyone is having a blast during the song, and their smiles and dance moves are contagious.

Eventually, the dance cam pans over to a seat attendant at the game.


At first, the usher was hesitant to show off his sweet moves while he was working.

But then the camera, almost knowing he needed a little pushing, goes back to the seat attendant after showing other fans. And the peer pressure positively paid off.

Within moments, the usher relents and performs some of the coolest improvisational moves ever.


Seriously, you’d think he had a routine worked out just for this very moment.

He hip thrusts, does the wave with his arms, and hits and steps with amazing precision.

The whole thing is a sight to behold!

But it only lasted briefly, leaving the crowd wanting more. Once again, the camera returns to the usher, encouraging him to appease his fans.

“Man, one more time – come on man, it’s Tuesday!” the announcer says.

And the usher did his fans justice.

Not only do his dance moves get more bold (and epic), he even adds a backflip – as if he wasn’t cool enough!


If he had missed that backflip, I think the video would have gone viral regardless. But the fact that he was confident enough to pull it off – and he knew he could pull it off – makes the whole moment so exciting!

His dancing doesn’t stop after the backflip, but I won’t spoil anymore of his moves. I highly encourage you to check out the video for yourself below.

I don’t know about you but I’m going to look into some dance classes. You never know when a dance camera might lead to viral internet fame!

Please SHARE this amazing video with your friends and family.

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