The nature of a police officer’s job means they often get a bit of a bad rep.
We imagine them to be harsh, overly-strict, and no fun at all, like we used to think our parents were when we were kids. The reality is, despite the law-enforcing nature of their job, police officers are just normal, everyday people. They’re capable of letting go, having a laugh, and not taking themselves too seriously—as demonstrated in the hilarious dance challenge video produced by Pierce County Sheriff’s Department.

The video starts documentary-style, and for a moment, we believe we’re really following detective Sargent Gary Sanders on his way to a dance studio, where there have been reports of noise complaints.

Sanders arrives at the scene to find a group of cute kids practicing their dance moves to a catchy pop tune.
Sanders puts on a very impressive act of looking unimpressed, and says, “Here we go, noise as always.” He asks for the music to be switched off and proceeds to rant and rave to the kids about the noise being too loud.
At this point, we’re not Sanders’ biggest fan, especially when he writes the kids a ticket. But then everything changes when the kids refuse the ticket, instead suggesting the cops join them in a dance-off… and Sanders agrees!

This is where the fun really begins.
Sanders brings together his police crew to the local ballpark to meet the kiddie dancers, and the dance challenge begins. The little ones bust their moves, all the staring down the cops with serious attitude. The cops give the attitude right back—and then some! With their dark sunglasses and blank faces, we don’t expect them to give the kids a run for their money.

But they do! When the kids have impressed with their hip-hop dance routine, the camera flicks over to the cops, who begin to show off their own tricks.
A couple of cops link arms and kick their legs, can-can style, while another cop does his own version of the “Bernie Lean,” a viral dance move from 2019 that was inspired by a 2012 hit by Bernie Dance.

While some of the cops are clearly giving it their all, there’s some serious dad dancing going on at times!
Seeing the men bopping, bouncing and spinning in circles makes for a hilarious watch. What’s for sure is that the kids definitely won this dance duel! By the end of the video, the cops seem to give in, and we’re treated to a collaborative dance between the two competing groups. The fully-choreographed routine includes hair flicking, finger waggling, chest flapping, and plenty of attitude.

To their credit, the cops manage to keep up with the dance moves, all while holding the straightest of faces.
The fact that no-one cracks a smile throughout the whole thing only adds to the humor of the dance! Eventually—success! Detective Sargent Sanders rips up the noise complaint ticket and tosses it over his shoulder, while everyone gives a cheer. The video finishes with some cheesy lip-syncing to Sam Hunt’s “House Party,” and there’s a happy ending for all.

We don’t know much about Pierce County Sheriff’s Department, but it’s clear they know how to have a good time off-duty. Kudos to the men and women involved for being a part of such a hilarious dance challenge video!
Check out the video below and prepare to have a giggle!
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