On America’s Got Talent, there have been many comedians over the years. At least one comedian always makes it to the semi-finals, typically.
However, a comedian has yet to win AGT. There have been numerous comedians as runners-up over the previous 12 seasons, but typically singing acts come out on top.
Some comedians who have come on America’s Got Talent had a bit a schtick, where they dress up or like to do something “really out there.”

This can either work for them or against them, depending on the material they perform. For Oliver Graves, a “gothic” comedian, his theme really stuck out and worked in his favor. He certainly is a memorable performance!
The comedian has a very dry sense of humor that had the audience cracking up during the entire routine.
One of Oliver’s best jokes was when he said:
“I’m trying to find the woman of my dreams. But it is a struggle because I’m an insomniac.”

He had the judges laughing and smiling while he delivered joke after joke in perfect timing to really bring it home.
Mel B was the first judge to comment on Oliver’s audition. She said:
“Oliver, Oliver, Oliver! You’re so different! You’re humble and real and dark. It’s everything I absolutely love!”
Howie Mandel was second to say how he felt about the audition. Howie said:
“From the moment you walked out, your visual, your cadence, and everything. Your smart and your bright.”

It was Simon, though, who realized that Oliver was having a bit of an emotional reaction to the judges’ commentary.
“I think you didn’t get the reaction you expected. So, you’re not used to this, right?
Mel B asked if that was why he was crying. To which Oliver explained he didn’t actually get to book many shows. However, Howie promised him that he would be a very busy man soon.

Simon added:
“Well Oliver, we’ve had a lot of stand-up comedians. When I look back and try to remember them all, they all blur into one type – apart from you. You’re interesting.”
America’s Got Talent shared the audition on their Facebook page and hundreds of people commented to share their support for Oliver.
One Facebook user said:
Stand up is my favorite form of entertainment… This was great. He was different and it worked. Good luck Oliver!!!

While another said:
Thought his jokes were smart. Made you think and laugh. Reminded me a lot of Steven Wright and tape face.
One person found his jokes hilarious:
He was hilarious! Loved his delivery! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Unless you are poisoned. Then it is the antidote.
What did you think of this audition? Do you think that Oliver is one of the best comedians to perform on the show? Did you find his stand up funny? I can’t believe a comedian has never won AGT before!

America’s Got Talent airs on NBC on Tuesdays, directly followed by World of Dance.
Please SHARE this remarkable audition with your friends and family.