The bond between a mother and her child is one unlike any other. Unless you’re a mother yourself, there’s really no way of knowing what it’s really like to watch your son or daughter grow and to see the person that they become.
When this mother and son duo takes the X Factor stage, there’s not a dry eye in the whole place.

Mel and Jamie haven’t been singing together for very long – just a few short weeks – but when the song starts, everyone is immediately mesmerized.
Jamie originally was going to take the big stage on his own, but as the date quickly approached, he didn’t feel as if he could do it on his own. So, he asked his mother if she would back him up with some harmonies.

His mother, Mel, age 44, was quick to offer her support. She’s a singer by profession, so the decision was simple!
This performance is so special because it shows how strong a bond that these two have with each other. The way that Mel looks at her young son is so full of love and respect for him as his own person and musician. While she’s there to support him 100%, she doesn’t want to overshadow him at all. You might think that as a professional singer, she might overpower him with her voice, but she doesn’t at all. That’s the mark of a good musician: when they know when to back off and blend in the harmonies for the sake of the all-around sound.

The song “Say Something” by A Great Big World is already a touching and beautiful song, but this mother and son’s rendition adds a whole new layer of emotion to it. When the camera pans to the folks in the audience, you can see what an impact this performance has on everyone who was so lucky to witness it live.
Clearly, this performance has resonated with many of its viewers as they remember touching moments with their own mothers or family members. One commenter said that,
“What a strong, beautiful mom… so much LOVE… she is his rock.. the music is straight from heaven!”
While another said,
“He was incredibly mature for his age. So much passion… absolutely amazing. And Simon was right – Mom complimented his voice beautifully.”
Both of these comments are so right! Both Jamie and his mom have lovely voices. Not only are they technically talented, but the emotions that they pour into the performance are absolutely incredible. There’s no denying that! Simon loved it.

Have you ever seen anything quite like this before? It’s such a joy to watch. It really brightens your day!
I can’t wait to see what these two do next, especially since with each passing week they’ll get more and more attuned to what it’s like to sing with each other. It can really only go up from here!
All four judges give the mother-son duo a resounding yes, and deservedly so. They are such a refreshing thing to see, and they bring so much joy and love to the room. That hug just hits you straight in the heart, doesn’t it?

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