Flash mobs are such an amazing concept.
The dedication and precision it takes to pull one off are mind-boggling. Even so, more and more of them pop up every day on social media and they only seem to get better as technology advances. These mall employees create a spectacular flashmob to a mashup of chart-topping songs.
You have to see this—I’ve never seen a more brilliant flash mob!

These mall employees put together a flash mob to that left spectators stunned.
At the beginning of the video, you can see a group of a woman dressed like flight attendants coming down the escalator. Once they get to the ground floor, the music starts and curious onlookers perk up their ears while the dancers start with an outstanding routine.

With smiles on their faces, the group of flight attendants begins dancing together while the crowd gathers.
That’s when “Moves Like Jagger” by Maroon 5 comes on, and everyone picks it up a notch by speeding up their dancing.

Just when you thought it was only going to be the seven dancing flight attendants, people dressed in regular clothes start to join in right on cue! They shake their bodies all at the exact same time. The spectators aren’t even sure what they’re looking for at first.

Once more people start to join in, you can see a massive flash mob starting to form. Each dancer has to remain right on point for this to work. After all, one mistake would ruin the whole show.
Loads of people begin to join in, running down the giant staircase in the mall to join in on the fun.

To everyone’s surprise, more and more people start joining in on the action.
After they all run down the big flight of stairs, the music changes to hip-hop and my favorite form of dancing ensues.

When the break dancing begins, the newest dancers start spinning on their hands before popping up to do some freestyle steps.
Out of nowhere, a dancer in a green blazer jumps off of a block and gets in on the intricate dancing. Now with loads of dancers, “Party Rock” by LMFAO starts playing and the dancers’ don’t miss a beat.

At this point, a huge crowd has gathered and many of them whip out their phones to get the flash mob on video.

After the music switches again, a group of young boys joins the flash mob that is now staggering in size.

The resulting flash mob is incredible!
Loads of dancers are now cutting a rug together, leaving the audience enthralled. Throughout the whole performance, they nail the routine at every turn in the music.

People on YouTube couldn’t get enough of the mall flashmob, millions of people watch the awesome display. It’s no surprise it went viral, these dancers absolutely killed it.
Almost 15.5 million people have viewed the video on YouTube with 66,000 people liking it.

On top of the millions of views and 66,000 likes, thousands of people left comments for the flash mob, many saying it was the best they’d ever seen.

There’s not a better flash mob around, and everything about this group is extremely impressive.
It’s hard to believe that many people were able to do such a good job staying on cue. To see the gigantic flashmob turn the mall into a dance floor, watch the video below!
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