Thomas Luther Brian. He’s very famous, although if you saw that name written down on your contact list you may not expect to be talking to a country music superstar. That’s because in reality, Thomas Luther Bryan is much better known by another name: Luke Bryan. In the world of country music he’s…kind of a big deal. He covers all the major country music topics; drivin’, small towns, girls and of course he sings about beer…kind of a lot. He’s the quintessential small town, all American boy.
And, going off this video of him and two very lucky little girls, he’s got a heart of gold.

Thomas, I mean… Luke…has had a career of success, but came from a place of great tragedy.
Originally raised in Georgia, at age 19 shortly before he moved to Nashville Luke was struck by tragedy. His older brother named Chris passed away in a car accident. The incident left a deep mark in Luke, and he stayed in Georgia to remain with his family where he attended University. It would seem that even now, after a huge amount of success, he still just wants to put smiles on people’s faces.

He put two particularly big smiles on two fan’s faces at one of his shows.
During his show he turns to a girl in the crowd and without wasting time, pulls her up on stage. It’s every child’s dream to just be noticed by your heroes, but to be selected and pulled up by the legend himself would be overwhelming to say the least! This girl is living her dream, and you can feel the palpable envy of every fan in the crowd.

-And it’s not just a case of getting her on stage and singing out to the audience…
He’s actually serenading her! He even gets onto his knees to be on her level and sings directly to her. I don’t know about you but if I was in that position, face to face with my idol, I would either be pinching myself or out-cold after fainting.

And with a great big hug, her dreams come true!
It’s so refreshing to see a superstar taking the time to appreciate their fans and give them a bit of love back. As one commenter on the video says:
“This is how a singer should treat… his fans.. she will never stop loving luke bryan.”- m_s s

Just when you think this interaction is at its heart-warmingest…
The little girl points back into the crowd and tells Luke that it’s her sister’s birthday. Well, apparently Bryan is not one to leave it at just one serenade. He proceeds to pull the other young girl on stage, spreading yet more joy!

After a playful hat swap, and letting the girls sing and dance to the song, the girls are returned to the audience.
The first girl even gets to stage dive back into the crowd! Reading through the comments, it’s clear that Luke’s actions have touched not just his fans who attended the concert, but any who get to see what a little on-stage kindness means to people.

Watch the full video below to enjoy Luke’s moment with two lucky fans.
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