There’s something every human on this planet shares – we’ve all fallen down in a public place.
No matter how cool or confident you might be, it’s a blow to the ego and your soul is immediately filled with embarrassment.
It’s okay, this is a safe space, you can admit it. I won’t judge you.
This is just one of life’s harsh realities we all have to deal with. But some of us deal with it much better than others. Take this baby ballerina, for instance.
On the night of her big dance recital, she took a bit of a tumble, but she didn’t let it get her down, she improvised.
Keep your eye on the girl on the far right (stage right, if you want to get technical), she’s the real star of this show.

All four of these little darlings put on their special autumn forest-themed tutus and tiny ballet shoes. Their moms spent hours getting their hair just right and they were all so excited to perform!

Was it destined to be a flawless routine? No.
But they were doing their best and having fun as they went along, dancing to a song in the best dinosaur film of all time – The Land Before Time.

The little girl on the right could hardly contain herself – she was full of beans!
And while jumping up and down, she accidentally took a little tumble.

But the show must go on. Instead of crying, feeling embarrassed, or running off stage, she decided to own it.
She thought she could make the audience believe she had done it on purpose. She threw caution to the wind, left her ballet routine behind, and started dancing to her own drum.

She stood up, but quickly got right back down on the ground, doing some cool kart-wheel type moves and some ground spins.
She really didn’t miss a beat, she just kept going.

Then, when the audience didn’t think it could get any better, this enthusiastic little girl started break dancing.
Put this kid in another kind of dance class ASAP – she’s too wild for ballet. Some birds were just not meant to be caged!

Some adoring YouTube viewers were enamoured by the improvised break dance moves.
As were we all.

The other girls were distracted by their rogue dancing queen and gave up on trying to continue with the original routine.
There’s nothing more to do than watch. She’s already stolen the show!

This is the type of confidence we should all aspire to have.
She’s looking around slightly confused as to why no one else is dancing, but she doesn’t let that stop her.

Then, just when you thought it couldn’t get better, the other girls start singing.
It’s like that scene in Mean Girls when the CD player breaks at the Christmas talent show and Lindsay Lohan’s character has to sing to save the show. Everyone is now just nervously singing so they can be doing something, anything, on stage until the music is over.

Their routine or, at least, the song they were supposed to be dancing to comes to an end and they all happily skip off stage together. Three of them looking a little confused.

The fall may have thrown the routine (and her co-stars) off a little bit. But there’s no denying this little girl is iconic and knows exactly how to brush off a mistake. I’m going to try this next time my clumsiness gets the best of me!
Watch the adorable video below to see the whole improvised routine.
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