If you spend much time online, you’re bound to find some pretty incredible things.
When it comes to sites like YouTube, you’re liable to find performances and videos from all over the world. Everybody has been down at least one YouTube “wormhole” in their day—and there’s definitely no limit to the different areas you can explore.

For many people, YouTube is a way to follow vloggers and other people’s daily lives. For others, it’s a way to discover talented performers from all around the world.
And the video we’re talking about today definitely belongs to the latter category.

The clip comes from a Chinese reality show called “I Am a Singer.”
The show is essentially a singing competition show based on a Korean show of the same name. In general, the competition is open to professional singers as well as amateurs, with audiences voting to see who will proceed through the competition and who won’t.

The singer we’re talking about today is Dimash Kudaibergen, a performer originally from Kazakhstan.
Though he’s not a household name yet, Kudaibergen has a truly incredible voice.

Like any other singing competition show, this one begins with Kudaibergen walking out on stage in front of the audience and judges.
Right away, he gets a big round of applause in anticipation of what he’ll do. The song he chooses to sing is “SOS d’un terrien en détresse,” a song originally performed by Daniel Balavoine.

As it turns out, it’s an incredibly difficult song to sing. Once the applause dies down, Kudaibergen delicately sets off to sing the first few notes. Though the song is in French, he sings it fluently and smoothly as ever.
And while it starts off in a high register, the tone changes very quickly.

Right away, Kudaibergen proves that he can sing high as well as anybody—but a moment later, he dips into a very low register.
Before anyone can even get their bearings, he’s back to singing extremely high again. After that, he hits an even higher note and puts an incredible vibrato on it—and the whole crowd spontaneously bursts into applause!

After that, he’s back in a middle register again… but not for long. Once again, his voice soars higher and higher and shocks everyone in the auditorium.
Still, while his voice is technically excellent, it also packs plenty of emotion as well!

As the performance continues, he builds up to a huge finale.
About halfway through the song, he slows everything down and hits higher notes than he’s hit up to that point!

What’s most incredible is that great singers often have a range of just a few octaves. Still, Kudaibergen seems to have a range that spans six octaves! After building even more drama, he finally sings a few last notes and takes a bow.
With that, the crowd gives him a standing ovation and cheers for him to sing again!

Since the clip was loaded on YouTube, it has been viewed nearly eight million times.
Although reality singing shows have brought the world some impressive performances before, this one is unlike most of the ones you might find.

While there are plenty of talented people in the world, Kudaibergen’s voice is truly one of a kind. If you liked this performance, be sure to check out his other videos online for more of his range.
Thanks to Dimash Kudaibergen for an incredible performance! Be sure to watch the whole thing in the link below:
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