Whether you enjoy Country and Western dancing or not, it’s exciting to watch people line dance. While some of the steps are simple, others are quite difficult. If you’ve never participated in something like this before, you can always head to a local club where they offer free line dancing lessons. Not only is this a blast but it’s also great exercise.
One type of line dancing has become a hot trend — it’s known as the Git Up challenge. So, what does that mean? This consists of two or more people who dance to a song performed by Blanco Brown. The name of that song? The “Get Up,” of course. Since hitting social media, millions of people have posted their unique moves.
One group is showing internet users how it’s done.
Keep in mind, there are some great groups out there doing the Git Up challenge. But one, in particular, has viewers up in arms…in a good way. The video, which has now gone viral, starts in a somewhat mundane fashion. You see both men and women of varying ages on the dance floor dressed in jeans, shorts, and even dresses.

But as the music continues, things become a little spicier.
You see a tall “cowboy” in a yellow shirt, blue jeans, and hat walk on the dance floor. After giving several of the others a high-five, he takes his position front and center. As you hear the words to the song, “Just follow me,” that’s what everyone in the group does. They do what the leader does and it’s fantastic.

Don’t let the slow rhythm of the song fool you.
The Get Up may not be a fast Country and Western song, but there’s still plenty of beat for the group to pull off some incredible moves. Some of them are so impressive, you’d swear these guys and gals are professional performers. But they’re not…instead, they’re just a group of friends who faced the Git Up challenge head-on.

They do what the song tells them to do.
But for this group, they add some unique moves, including fancy footwork. When the song says, “To the left, to the left now,” they sway to the left in perfect unison. When it says, “To the right to the right,” they flawlessly switch direction. They even have the “Go on, roll your shoulders,” down pat.

People just can’t get enough.
When it comes to groups that have done the Git Up challenge, this one excels. They’re so good, it’s hard to look away. One poster commented, “Yes, the leader is awesome! Like his style! Very very cool n I could watch him all day!!!!” Another said, “Well done. Greetings from Germany.” Yep, that’s right, this video has circled the globe.

Why not challenge yourself?
To achieve success with the Git Up challenge, you need to primary things. First, you’ve got to have a great leader, which this group did. Second, everyone needs to have fun. By looking at the expressions on their faces, they had an incredible time. This challenge is still going strong — so, you and some friends might consider making a video, one that possibly outshines this one.

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Source: YouTube