We all remember gongs from cartoons.
Usually, whenever it was hit, it was announcing that something funny was about to happen. The giant circle can also be seen in a circus, but what is it? For those who don’t know, a gong is an East and Southeast Asian musical percussion instrument. It takes the form of a circular, metal disc, and it’s hit with a mallet. The flat surface then vibrates and produces a tuned note.

In this clip, Paiste “Gong Master” Sven easily achieves many magnificent sounds from one 80-inch symphonic gong.

Yes, you read that correctly— it’s an 80” metal circle, and Meier gets a whole composition out of it using different mallet sizes.
You may have expected the master to hit it as hard as he can, but the correct playing technique will surprise you. As the video begins, he puts a finger over his lips, signalizing everyone in the room to be quiet or else they’ll miss the spectacle. Meier is in the room full of different mallets hanging behind the gong, and we can see that he means serious business.

In case you didn’t know there, is actually a profession called “gong master,” but if you’re interested in learning more about the German gong manufacture, visit Meier’s website.

In case you’re hearing it with your headphones, be prepared for an out-of-this-world experience.
The sounds it produces are unlike anything you’ve heard before. For a few seconds, it sounded like an acceptable version of horror movie background sounds, before switching to a haunting vibration that makes you feel unexpectedly comfortable. We’re guessing that most of you didn’t know that a gong could take you on a deep journey. One single stroke can slowly build into an enchanting song in waves of beauty. In the end, you will be left wanting more.
The way Meier smiles after achieving the desired tone is priceless.

This gong master hits the instrument a few times, but he does it carefully, and he smiles at his audience each time he gets the desired reaction from them.
The best part is when Meier takes a very small mallet and manages to get a magnificent sound using it. You won’t believe your eyes or your ears—you just have to see it yourself so that you know it’s possible!

In the second part of the video, there’s a familiar sound that you’ll probably feel like you’ve heard somewhere before—either in a movie or somewhere else.
After a whole range of different tones and moods, he finally concludes the show. Since the video was first posted, it has earned more than five million YouTube views—and we can definitely see why! One thing is for sure: we’re never going to look at a gong the same way again.

The clip was first loaded in 2016, and it has succeeded in opening our eyes to Meier’s musical talents.
We’re guessing he has plenty of new fans out of this—viewers were stunned by the impressive sounds a gong can achieve in all its simplicity. It’s amazing when you come across a video like this. It’s both enjoyable and quite informative. In all, we have to applaud Meier for dedicating his life to such a majestic instrument. His crew produces these instruments and brings a little Far East flavor to other parts of the world.
Be sure to watch the entire performance by clicking the link below:
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