Christmas is the most beautiful, and definitely the most wonderful time of the year. It is that one holiday meant for families. The day when the world stops and everyone just celebrates love. And the story of the family from Bethlehem.
It is no wonder then that this day has so many songs. There is no one perfect song for it. They’re all lovely to hear but it is the songs about the true message of Christmas that stirs the heart.

It is the story when God became man and gave His only Son to us, born of a virgin, and laid in a manger.
There are lots of songs that speak of this event. “Silent Night“, “Angels we have heard on high“, “The little drummer boy“, and many others speak of the newborn King who came to earth to be with sinful man.

How about “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing“?
It’s got to be one of the most beloved carols. It was written by Methodist Charles Wesley in 1739 but the original melody was depressing. Hardly fit for the festive season. The merry melody we know and sing today is by a man called Felix Mendelssohn.

Here’s a rendition by the whole Crosby family!
It’s Dave and Ashley with their famous daughter Claire, son Carson, and two more daughters named June and Millie. And this family has music running in their veins! They’re not shy about it either!

Claire wears a pretty red dress and as she holds her signature blue ukelele (bluekelele?), starts the song,
“Hark! The herald angels sing,
“Glory to the newborn King!
Peace on earth and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconciled.”
She really is a talented little lady.

Then mom on the piano takes over,
“Hail the heav’n-born Prince of Peace!
Hail the Son of Righteousness!
Light and life to all He brings,
Ris’n with healing in His wings.”
Dad and Claire provide background vocals. They sound amazing!

This is one happy family. A family that really took to heart what Christmas is all about. Even their house looks so warm and festive! No wonder they’ve got so many adoring fans!
Hazel Old commented,
“Where do I start?!?!? Firstly, Carson on his ukulele next to Dave, then Claire’s proud smile at around 1:20, then Ashley’s sweet singing, baby Millie’s cameo appearance, the impromptu dancing and finally June shaking those maracas!!!! Oh my goodness you Crosbys are the best!!!!! Merry Christmas 😍”
Mom and dad start them young! Can’t waste good talent!

If they could travel back in time and visit Joseph, Mary, and the baby Jesus, they would be so welcomed by that holy family. The Crosbys would light up the town of Bethlehem and not even Herod and his goons would spoil the fun.
This is Christmas at it’s finest. A loving family that’s happy and healthy together while they spread the cheer.

Check out this jolly rendition by the Crosby’s below!
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