Do you believe in second chances?
One young man named Brendan Murray had one chance at stardom already. He used to be the lead singer of a boy band that came just a couple of steps away from making it. Their first single was a huge smash in Ireland where they came from, but after that, the momentum ran out, and they had to call it quits.

Brendan hasn’t gone to university since he dropped everything at the age of 16 to pursue the career in music. Nowadays, he works as a plumber from nine to five, just dreaming about what he’s going to sing when he gets home to his guitar.

When he walks onto the stage, the judges are intrigued by his past. At such a young age, he already has quite the story to tell.
With a couple of boy band members on the panel, he’s got a lot to prove!
He starts to sing “We Don’t Have To Take Our Clothes Off,” But you can tell that Simon doesn’t like his song choice. He thinks it’s so wrong for him that he even stops Brendan mid-song. Simon tells him that his voice is so special, but the song choice isn’t doing it justice.

He does have a very angelic voice that’s perfectly suited to a boy band. He sounds so young and fresh. It makes sense that Simon wanted him to sing a different song.
The problem is that Brendan had never heard of the song that Simon wanted him to sing before.
But that wasn’t going to stop him from following his dreams, no way!
For the next few hours, he tried his hardest to memorize the song to sing in front of the judges and the audience… not to mention the entire country!
That’s not an easy thing to do. It takes a lot of preparation and confidence to get up in front of people like that. Now, he’s faced with the challenge of giving his all with a song he’d never heard until just earlier in the day.
When he comes back on stage, he’s noticeably more nervous than before.
He’s so nervous, that he forgets the words, and this time, he’s the one that has to stop the song before it’s over.
After a couple more tries, Simon tells him to use the lyric sheet, and that’s when the magic happens.

The looks on the judge’s faces during this performance say it all. This kid’s’ going places with the voice like that!
When the song is over, the judges stand up on their feet, along with the audience.

What do you think of his voice? Do you think that Simon was right to stop him before he could finish his song?
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