The mall is such a great place to escape in. You can browse nonstop, sit in a cafe and enjoy a warm cup of coffee, walk around and spend your cash and on and on. You could walk around for hours on end without realizing how quickly time goes by. But every now and then, an attraction brings mall goers to a standstill.

A live performance is a surefire way to do so.
Even better when it’s a surprise. A stage is a dead give away of what’s to come. But a flash mob? That’s something else. Now while there are lots of flash mob performances out there, nothing beats a classic done right. And with good taste.

The Siebnen Wind Orchestra and the Jona Team Choir have dreamed of doing a musical project together with Queen as the inspiration and center of their act. True to Freddie Mercury’s love for opera and theater, The Queen Symphony was born.

The Seedamm Center Mall in Freienbach, Switzerland played host to this surprise act.

It was a cool February day with shoppers going about their business, families spending time together, and old friends catching up on the times. A man with a clarinet and a woman with a flute suddenly appear playing a few notes together blending their two instruments perfectly.
Then come others with more wind instruments. Shoppers by now have stopped what they’re doing wondering what in the heck is going on. Others have stopped with phones and cameras out. There’s no stopping music. No stopping a flash mob.
The musicians slowly gather on an open space with others coming down escalators carrying much larger instruments.

Then a familiar melody.
And to confirm everyone’s suspicions, a xylophone plays that trademark intro of Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody“. The verse comes in via a saxophone while the others provide a luscious background of blended wind instruments. There’s a drummer too!

As the song goes on, the build up of the orchestra becomes more apparent. Exactly the way the original was played out, although it was just a piano, guitar, bass, and drums for Queen. It’s one of those sing-along tunes that’s automatic to many.

The operatic section with an opera is fantastic!
A flash mob is successful when the unsuspecting would be audience stop dead in their tracks to watch and marvel at the talent on display. These guys and girls are no exception. But maybe get the crowd to sing along? It’s Bohemian Rhapsody!
“Mamma Mia, let me go!”

The build up to the song’s climax bring all the instruments together. The notes are sharp, clean, and not once does anyone miss a beat. Now if there where sleepyheads in that mall, they were surely awakened by this orchestra!
Remember, the late great front man, Freddie himself said,
“You can do what you want with my music, but don’t make me boring.”

Well Mr. Mercury, you live on and these guys are making you proud!
When the rock section fizzles out, and the part of “Nothing really matters” comes in, some of the musicians slowly leave the spot in single file, playing along to the fading melody. They make their way up once more, enjoying the applause of the mall goers. On to the next mall!

Check out this Queen inspired flashmob in the video below!
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Source: YouTube, Siebnen, Queen Symphony