At the early age of nine, Amira Willighagen won the sixth season of Holland’ s Got Talent. Since then, she has been forging a bright career as a promising young soprano. With talent to spare and maturity beyond her years, whenever Amira is on stage, she captivates her audience and leaves them speechless.
One of her performances in South Africa is testament to her talent.

Her performance starts off with the sound of bagpipes.
From the back of the auditorium the bagpipes scream out. Whether you like the sound of them or not, bagpipes add a sense of uplift, especially to this song: Amazing Grace. It’s a song we’ve all heard many times, but in the right hands, it can be singularly beautiful. That is definitely the case with Amira’s rendition.

Well…not everyone likes bagpipes…
One audience member in particular is not happy at all to be sitting on the isle when the bagpipes stroll past. Don’t worry m’am, they’ll be over soon enough and you will be able to enjoy Amira’s angelic voice. You just have to wait for those bagpipes to get up to the stage.

And when Amira does begin singing, the magic begins.
She may not be nine years old anymore, but she has continued to develop as a performer. As a child Amira was already miles beyond her years, and as she further grows, she is becoming a stellar performer too. Other viewers of the video agree

And Amira isn’t just a star on the stage…
She brightens people’s lives off stage too. Amira regularly donates half the profits of her performances and album sales, all part of a project called “Gelukskinders”. The project raises money for playgrounds in poor South African townships. Amira regularly performs in South Africa because her mother is an Afrikaans speaking South African, and so Amira can speak both Afrikaans and Dutch. It seems she has a heart as big as her talent!

And her voice is just so sweet on the ears.
As a soprano, she caries these beautiful high notes, and delivers them with astounding vocal control. She has all the vocal power of an opera singer and at such a young age!

And she’s not alone either!
Adding to her performance is a spectacular choir, all lending their voices to making this an incredible show. Along with the choir is a full orchestra, who add a tonne of gravitas to the entire production. It wold be so amazing to be in that audience!

And the song rises to a spectacular crescendo.
And Amira rises to the occasion along with it. Between her, the choir, the orchestra and of course, those bagpipes, this is a stirring production to see.

Watch the full video below to enjoy this amazing young singer.
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