When it comes to soothing music, some songs stand out more than others. One, in particular, is not only beautiful but it also has a deep meaning. “Moon River,” which was composed by Henry Mancini, was first performed by Audrey Hepburn. It was the song chosen for her iconic movie, “Breakfast at Tiffany’s.”
Many people don’t know that Moon River is about looking at the past and the future at the same time. In other words, the lyrics tell a story of life’s journey from beginning to end. Both the words and music are simply beautiful. As a mature piece, the last thing you’d expect is for a six-year-old child to perform it flawlessly.
But that’s what happened
In a video that’s racked up thousands of views, you see a sweet, young girl. But not only does she have an amazing voice, she accompanies the song by playing the guitar. I don’t know about you, but when I was her age, I was busy playing with dolls and learning how to sing “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.”

She’s so articulate
Is she really only six? As soon as she begins to sing, it’s easy to tell she has talent. Keep in mind, she’s not just singing the words to Moon River but feeling it. Singing with emotion to such a sophisticated piece is an outstanding accomplishment and she does it with ease.

Even her guitar playing is amazing
While she’s not Stevie Ray Vaughn on the guitar, she does a fantastic job. Did we mention she’s only six? One viewer had this to say, “Miumiu you are amazing and this comes from someone who has done this professionally for over 50 years…and sung this song for almost that long.” Wow, what a great compliment.

Other viewers chimed in
Another person said, “You made me and my wife smile today. We love your music. God created you with all this talent and you have worked so hard to develop it. We bless you and hope to hear much more from you over the years.” If she’s this good now, you can only imagine how far she’ll go in a music career.

She would’ve made both Mancini and Hepburn proud
Perhaps the sweetest post came from someone who had this to say, “If Henry Mancini wasn’t in Heaven already, you just put him there with a giant smile on his face.” Although it’s not hard to find vocal performances by young artists online, hearing someone with this much talent and passion is rare.

She’s such a joy to watch
To messages like these, “You sing like an angel and play the guitar like a professional. Thank you for sharing your music with us,” and “You are truly beautiful in spirit, you play the guitar very well and your voice is so lovely. Keep it up young lady,” she had a response.

Despite spending hours honing her craft, Miumiu took time to send a message to her fans. In her words, “Thank you for your encouragement. I will continue to study hard. To fulfill my dream to be an excellent guitarist. Please forgive me for my poor English. This is not my native language. I’ve tried my best to do it well.”
This little girl is of Asian decent but whether she speaks perfect English of not, there’s no need for her to apologize. With her beautiful voice, guitar playing, and sweet spirit, she’s touched the hearts of a lot of people. For her, the sky’s the limit.
To listen to Miumiu sing Moon River, please click on the video below. You’ll see why so many people have fallen in love with this precious child.
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Source: YouTube