What’s your favorite Queen song?
That’s like asking what your favorite Beatles song is, I suppose. Born in 1970, British rock band Queen endures to this day as perhaps one of the greatest rock bands of all time. One song guaranteed to get fans singing is “We will rock you“.

It was written by guitarist Brian May for the 1977 album News of the World. Among the band’s many successful and memorable hits, this has to be one of their more well known songs. Who can resist that familiar stomp and clap beat?
In fact, it is such an iconic song that many other musicians, bands, and dancers have used it for their performances.

One such group is the 12 Tenors.
Literally 12 men with amazing voices which, when blended together, make for a spectacular show. They come from various countries and together have toured the world, combining all their influences and differences to produce an act so stunning it’s a wonder to listen to.

Here they are with their rendition of “We will rock you“.
Freddie Mercury would be proud of this. The former Queen front man always enjoyed a dramatic flair, him being an avid fan of theater and Broadway. Watch his performances and see what Freddie is all about. That is if you don’t know the man.

Lights out, twelve men in black suits with their backs turned to the audience, and in comes the piano.
After a few choice notes, the lights come on with the familiar thumping of the song’s beat accompanying the man chosen for lead vocals. He faces the crowd, pumping his arms, face full of emotion. It’s rock n’ roll!

Can you hear the other tenors harmonizing with the band?
He brings the first verse in with the piano for good measure,
“Buddy, you’re a boy, make a big noise
Playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday
You got mud on your face, you big disgrace
Kicking your can all over the place, singin'”

The other voices turn to face the audience, clapping along to the beat as they sing the heart chorus out. And no, they don’t shout it out. Each tenor sings differently, using his voice as a complement to the others resulting in a beautiful mix of male voices.
The man on lead vocals encourages the crowd to sing along with them, huge smile on his face as he engages his audience. You know who else was a great showman? Yup. Freddie Mercury.

It has such a simple rhythm, a simple beat, and yet it has stood the test of three decades even being inducted in to the Grammy Hall of Fame. The other singers even provide an operatic style of background vocals, proving that the name “tenor” still holds true.

You can bet that audience was singing along, stomping their feet and clapping to the beat. The older ones may even have remembered a time seeing Queen in concert. What a time to be alive!
They sing the chorus out, letting the energy rise with the crowd before bringing it home with one final shout of the chorus. They strike a pose, fists up, lights out as the audience, already on their feet, proceed to give them a standing ovation. Consider themselves rocked by the tenors!

Let the 12 Tenors rock you in the video below!
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