Start them young and someday, they’ll be legends.
Saddie Honeycutt & Easton Brown are just kids. But where most kids would rather play with their toys or get dirty outside, Honeycutt and Brown already know what they want to focus on.

Here they are at the USA Grand National Dance Championships competing in the Shag. That cool, rhythmic laid back dance born in the beaches of South Carolina. Remember, these two are kids.

It’s yellow with neutral black and white outfits for Saddie and Easton, and once they walk out, their small frames seem to be dwarfed by the stage and the dance floor. But short legs don’t mean they can’t dance with the best of them.

Happy little feet!
Saddie is adorable. The little lady lets Easton lead her through the dance, looking up at him the whole time so she won’t miss a cue or the next step. Brown is a great partner. He makes sure Honeycutt stays in the groove.
The only comment for the video says,
“Whoo! Awesome! It’s gotta be in their DNA! 3 dislikes. Who cares! I love ’em!”
Now who were the three that disliked this??

The Shag requires dancers to be quick, smooth, and light on their feet. It’s a constant shifting of weight from left to right all while rocking on the heels and soles of their feet. Watch the pros when you can. It’s awesome.
The Carolina Shag has been described as a “cold beer on a warm night with a hot date and no plans for tomorrow.”
It was in the 1940’s when young men and women began to step to beach music, solidifying the southern party life and cementing the Shag as a dance that many generations would love.

Makes you want to learn, doesn’t it?

The US Grand National Championships are a driving force in ensuring that the Shag remains in culture. So many men and women from all ages join the competition for a heck of a good time.
Their mission statement is,
“To provide a fun, friendly, and organized competitive dance environment where separate dance communities can become inspired by the other to share, create, and merge into one dance while maintaining the integrity of each dance individually.”
And that’s exactly what goes on.

See, kids would normally be too shy to step in front of an audience and perform with this kind of precision and skill. But Saddie and Easton have no problems showing their parents, friends and competition that they can hang with the best of the best.

The music was “Good time” by Charlie Wilson and “Sadie my lady” by The Drifters. And little Saddie knows it, looking at the audience and giving them such a sweet, pretty smile that really melted a few hearts out there.
Brown and Honeycutt pull off a little spin that’s so cute. Only because it came out of nowhere. Adults would have looked really awkward had that happened. But the kids get cheers for it!

And by the looks of it, they’ve both got a good forty or so years of dancing ahead of them. So watch out for Saddie and Easton because they are the future of the Shag. they may even be your teachers someday.

Check out these talented kids below!
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