2 Generations of young men stand in unity. Sing breathtaking ‘Go The Distance’
The pipes on these young men are already incredible, but then one boy started soloing and everything changed.
Severin Lai

Do you remember Hercules from Disney? It’s got to be one of my favourite Disney movies, I love the music and aesthetic! (It helps when you’re a big nerd for Greek mythology too.)

Well for today’s performance we have an absolutely fantastic rendition of “Go the Distance” from Hercules!

The song is performed by two groups with a generational divide!

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The first group is BYU’s Vocal Point, a nine-man a cappella group!

From their Website:

“Vocal Point is Brigham Young University’s world-renowned, nine-man contemporary a cappella group whose music been described to by some as ‘an optical illusion for your ears.’ Founded in 1991, Vocal Point’s inventive style, innovative arrangements, and incredible vocal percussion continue to wow audiences everywhere. They have performed before millions of fans on national television (on NBC’s The Sing-Off) and in concerts across the country, as well as for millions on their established YouTube channel.”

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The second group is the All-American Boys Chorus!

Needless to say, this group features over 100 young boys ranging from ages 8 to 15! How cool is it to see two groups, dedicated to their craft, bridging generational divides?

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The video is filmed beautifully, and it’s quite dramatic as well! There’s a spectacular, overcast beach as the setting for the video, and all the boys are dressed in a set uniform reminiscent of the 1920s.

Well, all the boys save for our two fearless leaders!


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The first young boy to sing his solo is dressed in a light blue shirt, matching the ocean behind him.

His voice is absolutely spectacular at so young an age!

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Shortly after the solo from the star of the AABC, Vocal Point breaks out into their segment, lead by their own star, Kyle Lemperle!

He’s also dressed in a deep blue shirt and embraces his role as the front man, leading the group as they walk or standing at the forefront in the ocean.

Or maybe singing solo on top of a boulder in the water! (Check out the video… You’ll see.)

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This is where Vocal Point really starts showing off their range and great skills!


They get to combine all of their individual sounds to produce a full bodied, hit every part of your brain kind of sound! Their bass section is really superb for those with an ear for it!

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In case you’re unfamiliar with Disney’s iconic film, the song the two groups are performing is essentially a modern classic. It was recorded for the movie, so it is of course littered with life lessons!

Considering both singing groups feature young men with high hopes, the song couldn’t be a better fit!

Afterall, the take home message of the song is all about being willing to put that hard work in to see your goals achieved!

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Honestly, what makes it even better is that the song and film both are about growing up and filling in your shoes, so to speak!

The AABC could essentially look at Vocal Point as a look at their future!

Both the future in store for them and the shoes they will have to fill!

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The true peak of the video is when both groups are finally seen together and everyone can sing in harmony!

I can only imagine how beautiful that beach must have sounded in person!

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The cameraman also took this opportunity to really show off the size of the AABC! As the camera pans across the beach,

there are innumerable young boys singing and giving it their all!

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I absolutely love seeing how much fun every single one of these young men is having! You can tell everyone was really excited to shoot this video and sing this song!

The song is so emotional and heartfelt, and these men aren’t afraid to show it!

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Seriously the video is so incredible, you need to watch it. The dramatic scenery, the shots, and the beautiful ocean are all incredible of course,

but what makes the video next level is the sheer vocal talent the singers have

and the tangible comradery between the groups!

You can check it out at the video below, and of course I highly recommend you do!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.
