Like change, music is one of the constant things in life. There is a song for every emotion, a line and a beat that perfectly sums up each circumstance, and an artist that brings inspiration like no other. When we have trouble expressing our thoughts and feelings, we can simply put on our go-to playlist or skim through albums until we find that one song that resonates with our present emotional state. Having an appreciation for music brings many discoveries, too. Genre after genre, one artist after another.
And there’s nothing quite like stumbling across a unique piece executed so flawlessly by an artist that’s new to you.

Since music is also about keeping an eye and an ear out for incredible talent, here’s an artist you’ll surely love.
Her name is Taimane and she’s amazing at playing the ukulele.

The stunning musician hails from Honolulu, Hawaii. She started playing the ukulele when she was just five years old. Then at age thirteen, she got discovered by Don Ho, a legendary musician. Her teenage years were definitely something, too! That was when she started to thrive in the local music scene, and eventually released her first album in 2005. Her next one would later come out in 2008.
Apart from successful albums and a solid fanbase, Taimane has other solo projects, too.

Recognized for her cover medley performances, the striking young artist also has a nomination for Ukulele Album of the Year and international performances in Japan and Hong Kong under her belt.
She doesn’t limit herself to just one particular sound, either.

Taimane isn’t afraid to step out of her comfort zone, let loose, and have fun. She practices yoga on the side, and seizes every creative opportunity. She composes addictive tunes inspired by artists like Led Zeppelin and AC/DC.
With such a dynamic and colorful personality, it’s no wonder people are so drawn to her.

To show you just how talented she is and how soothing her music can be, here’s a breathtaking performance of “Wicked Games”.

Take notice of how breathtaking the scenery around the artist is, and how her music just ties everything together. You’ll also be impressed by how gracefully she carries herself as she plays.
Taimane has a way of making it all seem effortless.
It all just seems so natural that when the sound of her music fills the air, it leaves a calming effect on those who are fortunate enough to hear it.

This particular cover earned over a million views and for good reason. The cover, the scenery, everything about it was just so captivating that viewers couldn’t help but express their admiration in the comments section.
“To say it’s beautiful is a massive understatement, completely blown away.”
“Masterfully done. Here you can still see the talent, the touch, the purity in the simplicity, of the moment.”

If you’re in search of something different, you’ll surely want to listen to Taimane’s sound and discover her uniqueness as an artist.

Listen to this short instrumental cover of “Wicked Games” and see how Taimane adds her own magic to the music.
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