Cheerleaders Mesmerize Crowd With Fast-Paced Routine
This is so fun to watch.
Eduardo Gaskell

The game’s not over. Teams are changing game plans, players are resting, and fans get to rest from all that screaming and cheering. Halftime is when everyone gets to buy food, go to the bathroom, and watch cheerleaders and dancers.

Something the boys look forward to. There’s a reason why they’re all eye catching with their long hair, slim bodies, and striking outfits.

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All eyes on the girls!

The Yorktown Dance Team have been responsible for raising the school’s spirits for a long time. They also perform for parties. It’s all about being fun while having fun for these girls! Who wouldn’t want to play harder after a performance like this?

They took to the field to entertain the halftime crowd but what they didn’t know back then was that their number would be immortalized on the internet. It’s the age of discovering talents.

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March on, ladies!

They take to the field single file, marching in unison with those dark blue outfits. Those white boots were made for walking. Small details matter. Notice how they break formation going left and right while swinging their head letting those ponytails snap around.

Pink and silver pompoms add a striking contrast to those outfits as well. People are sure to see them from afar!

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Britney Spears’s “Gimme more” is the energetic intro. That catchy, uptempo buzzing beat surely got those fans up and alert! The dance are a lot of sharp jumps and extension of limbs. It’s matched perfectly to the music. A bit naughty, but nothing too suggestive.

Sounds like a challenge to their opponents too, doesn’t it?

It’s like saying, “Is that all you got? Give us more!

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The girls come together, joining each other by holding on arms to shoulder. They form a little circle, kicking their legs up as the music switched to another Britney tune, “Toxic“. Pay attention, ladies and gentlemen!

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Those white boots look awesome when they kick together.

And like any good entertainer, it’s all about the showmanship. The girls fall in line, alternating the pink and silver pompoms as they execute a dazzling sequence of raises and kicks. They are addictive to watch.

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Why are they so good?

Well, on their Facebook page, it says that,

“The dance team performs at all home football and basketball games. The team also competes in various local competitions, and is involved in events within the Arlington Community. The team practices 5 days a week for 2-3 hours per day for 10 months out of the year. Dancers must maintain a 3.0 GPA, and adhere to all school policies. Tryouts are held every May. Dancers must make the team two years in a row to maintain their spot on the team.”

Standards. That’s the key. And competition is fierce.

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Those many hours of practice does show on that field. The balance, the extension of their legs, and transition into other movements are fluid and not once does a single dancer make a mistake. Theatrical too!

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These girls are amazing. If the fans got bored, they were really jolted awake by this performance. Listen to the cheers and applause! How could halftime be boring when the Yorktown dancers are around? They’re electric!

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Watch their entertaining performance below!

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