When you spend enough time on the internet, you eventually get to a point where you think you’ve seen everything there is to see.
Even though the internet comes up with new memes and jokes almost daily, there’s a limit to the kinds of creative activities that people are even able to do.

There are only so many interesting songs and movies out there and only so many ways to interpret them after all, right? As it turns out, there are still places on the internet where people are doing things most of us have never seen before.
And this video is definitely one of those examples.

The performer in the video is Francesc-Xavier Lozano Palay, an experimental folk musician.
While many folk musicians play guitar or harmonica, Lozano Palay takes his inspiration from all kinds of unlikely places.

Rather than play pre-existing instruments, Lozano Palay makes it his mission to turn everyday objects into new kinds of instruments of their own. In finding new music everywhere he goes, he has ended up posting some very unusual videos and performances.
In this one, he can be seen turning a giant metal barrier into a flute!

As the clip begins, Lozano Palay holds a big security gate up in the air and puts his mouth on it.
If you’ve ever noticed, many metal objects are already cast with some holes in them for structural reasons anyway. In the clip, Lozano Palay seems to have made at least one other hole in it on the top as a mouthpiece.
After doing a quick count-in, he fingers the bottom part of the barricade and blows across the top. A moment later, beautiful sounds come out as he plays the thing effortlessly!
If that performance was already impressive, Lozano Palay takes it to another level by adding more musicians into the mix.

In the second clip, Lozano Palay is surrounded by other musicians.
As they all stand in a recording studio, Lozano Palay holds his metal barrier while the others around him play percussion and bass, respectively. What follows is a slow, haunting song that’s so beautiful and haunting.

Even though the entire thing looks absurd, the resulting composition is absolutely gorgeous and doesn’t sound unusual at all. As it turns out, these kinds of performances have gotten the world’s notice as well.
As a result of all his musical experiments, Lozano Palay has even hosted his own TED Talk about music.

The video was filmed in Vicenza, Italy, and it shows Lozano Palay up to all his usual tricks.
At the very beginning, he takes apart a walking crutch. First, he pulls off the rubber cap and plays it like a whistle. After that, he plays the armrest portion of it like a flute. Finally, he plays some classical music on the bottom part of it. Though the beginning is impressive, the entire thing gets more and more interesting—his creativity clearly knows no limits!
As performances like these show, there really is no limit to human creativity!
If you were inspired by this, be sure to check out more of his videos online and try making one of these instruments at home yourself.
Special thanks to Xavier Lozano Palay on his amazing performances! Be sure to watch the full clip in the link below:
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