Ballet is as complex as it is beautiful. It takes strength, flexibility, and more stamina than most of us will ever know. That’s why it’s so amazing to see someone pull off an exquisite routine at the age of 80!

The human body can only take so much from a typical ballet routine. As the years go by, it becomes much harder for the body to execute those countless jumps, lifts, bends, and stretches.
For most of us, getting up out of our seats takes effort!
But we’re not Suzelle Poole.
At the age of 80, she can still pull off a beautiful ballet dance routine on stage!
Suzelle was born in England in 1940, during World War II.
She can still recall the time when her backyard was hit by a bomb, which fortunately didn’t result in any casualties among her family members. When the war was over, they moved to Canada – and that’s where she had her first dance lesson.
She was naturally born with the gift of dance, and she was already performing as a professional and started her career as a ballerina when she was just ten years old!

Her talent took her all over the world, and she married another talented performer – an opera singer.
They settled in Houston, Texas and there Poole still teaches young hopeful ballerinas at her studio.
She still does it up to this day and the girls there know her as Madame Poole.

She teaches ballet not only to young ones but also to adults who want to try ballet for the very first time.
In fact, in an interview with Pressreader, she shared her greatest passion. Shockingly, it isn’t ballet – it’s about inspiring others.
“I like to help people. I was taught that by the people around me. And I believe ballet helps people. I have a joy for dancing. It’s definitely keeping me healthy at my age. It encourages me to move my body. Many people my age, they just sit. Dancing is good exercise.” – Suzelle Poole
Poole is not only into dancing. She also loves poetry.
In fact, she has written some of her own works which include something to commemorate her grandfather, and another book of poems about kittens.
She definitely does what her heart speaks! We’re now wondering what she can’t do?

In a YouTube video uploaded back in 2018, Poole shows everyone that she still has it!
In fact, just looking at the still photos is impressive – but you have to see her move.

The routine is traditionally performed “en pointe.”
Frankly, we don’t know that we’ve ever had this kind of balance, but it’s clear that Poole was born to dance.

It takes a lot of body strength and flexibility to pull off such a routine. Poole nails every second of her performance.
It’s impossible to tell her age just by looking at her graceful movements.

Needless to say, Poole is making it look so easy. But we know it’s not.
We would just love to know how much training is involved to keep one’s body so strong and nimble for 7 decades!

Her performance is a must-see.
Be sure to watch Madame Poole in the video below as she proves to us all that age is nothing but a number.
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