Woman told she can’t play the blues on bag pipes puts on gold dress and does just that
People don't call her "the Wonder Woman of Jazz" for no reason. She is incredible. 🤩
Ma Fatima Garcia

If you had the chance to play a musical instrument, what would you choose?

Some people are so talented that they know how to play multiple instruments, and there are some who can play more than one instrument at a time.

No, we’re not kidding.

It may seem impossible, but there is someone who can play three trumpets at the same time.

How is that even possible?

It’s one question anyone would ask once they hear about this superhuman talent.

Meet Gunhild Carling, a gorgeous 47-year-old Swedish jazz musician, and multi-instrumentalist.

Carling is well known for playing trombones, but she also plays trumpets, banjo, ukulele, harp, and even bagpipes.

Aside from showcasing her amazing talent in musical instruments, she also sings and dances.

She’s an all-star show.

YouTube Screenshot / Gunhild Carling
YouTube Screenshot / Gunhild Carling

Talk about an all-in-one package.

You already need concentration, passion, and good skills to play one instrument.

Imagine playing three.

How can she even concentrate on each instrument’s tune?

YouTube Screenshot / Postmodern Jukebox
YouTube Screenshot / Postmodern Jukebox

Carling became more popular when she appeared on popular TV shows, contests, and YouTube channels.

She appeared in Let’s Dance and also in several of the Postmodern Jukebox videos.

You can watch her and admire her every single time she performs.

She doesn’t disappoint.

A few years back, she went to Central Park band shell in NYC to perform, and the audience loved her.

She then asked her audience if they would like to hear a swing song on bagpipes.

Unfortunately, her audience didn’t seem excited about the thought.

They were in for it.

Bagpipes are a magnificent instrument.

No doubt about that, but to use it to play jazz or swing, maybe a little ambitious for some.

We know bagpipes are challenging musical instruments. It doesn’t have dynamics, so you can’t adjust its volume.

Then, there’s the fact that this instrument can only produce nine notes, which are low G, low A, B, C, D, E, F, high G, and high A.

YouTube Screenshot / Steve Conrad
YouTube Screenshot / Steve Conrad

This means bagpipes lack dynamic range.

Then, you will need a powerful set of lungs to pull this off, but wait; Carling is an extraordinary musician, isn’t she?

Even though her audience was not giving the vibe she expected, she showed them it was possible to do a bagpipe swing.

YouTube Screenshot / Steve Conrad
YouTube Screenshot / Steve Conrad

She grabbed her bagpipes, danced a little, and then faced her audience.

Everyone cheered as she started playing her bagpipes, and everyone was in awe as she produced beautiful jazz with her chosen instrument.

Listening to a musician using a bagpipe to create jazz?

It’s an incredible thing to see.

YouTube Screenshot / Steve Conrad
YouTube Screenshot / Steve Conrad

That’s something we don’t see every day, or in a lifetime, even.

Absolutely and utterly breathtaking.

People who saw her performance were blown away.

“As a piper myself I was very impressed with those little runs she was doing, and the way she bent those last couple of notes was very sweet,” said one commenter.

“Normally something like this shouldn’t work so well but she nails it. Almost sounds Harmonica-esque,” said another.

If you’re curious about how she plays three trumpets, click here to watch the video.

What about Carling playing 10 instruments in one song? We know you want to see that too, so check it out here.

Wanna see her rock the bagpipes?

YouTube Screenshot / Steve Conrad
YouTube Screenshot / Steve Conrad

See her blow out the bagpipe blues in the video below!

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