When Savannah’s older sister Kristina got married, she decided to give a “speech” for the ages.
With a 16-year age difference between them, you would think the sisters might not be close, but it turns out we can learn a lot from Savannah’s wedding day performance.

As the 10-year-old(!) gets up in front of the guests, she jokes that she’ll give them a minute to get out their phones – because they’re going to want to record this.
Those gathered gave a hearty laugh but had no idea what they were in for.

Savannah’s speech took for the form of a rap about her and her sister’s relationship to the tune of the theme song from “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.”
Clearly usurping the throne from her big sister, she professes her royalty early on:
“She spent those days high on the throne
but without siblings, she was all alone
All alone until the age of 16
then I was born and became the queen.”
Oh, snap.

That got a big enough round of applause from the audience that Savannah had to pause for a moment.
Telling the story of how her sister went off to college in Chicago, the little sister said she had hoped Kristina wouldn’t find the love of her life so far away from home.

Lucky for her, Kristina met her now-husband at a wedding reception much closer to her little sister.
According to the rap:
“Then she went to a wedding here in Decatur, IL
and that’s when she met my dream a hometown boy.
Thanks to this boy Tim Canaday
she be livin’ round here. I got my way.”
This girl has such flair and confidence that it’s hard to believe she’s only 10!
But it’s pretty clear the sisters have a great relationship – especially since Savannah was Kristina’s maid of honor. That’s a role normally reserved for someone who can take on a lot of responsibility.
But Savannah could clearly handle it!
“So two years later the maid of honor I became
I’m still pretty young
but I got game,” she rapped.
Then she led the toast.
“So it’s time to give a toast to my sis and new brother
let’s raise our glass to a couple that really loves each other”

While a mic drop would normally be in order, Savannah reaches out her hand to do it before joking that she was told the microphone was too expensive to abuse in that way.
And yet another laugh rings out from the audience.

You can even see some nervous faces in the background – no doubt among the adults who told her not to drop that mic!

It’s too bad we can see the whole audience, which seems to be seated on both sides of the maid of honor. While we can hear a lot of whopping and hollering, it’s clear it isn’t coming from the more sedate side of the room that we can see.
But we have no doubt that Kristina and Tim were amongst those cheering on Savannah.
Her wedding rap has earned over have over 12 MILLION views!
Be sure to scroll down below to see this kiddo’s epic wedding performance in honor of her big sister and new brother-in-law.
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