If you watch a lot of musical competition shows, after a certain amount of time you probably think you’ve seen it all.
Although we’re used to watching the American versions of shows like Got Talent and The Voice, the truth is that there are all kinds of different versions of these shows all around the world.

Each one is an international franchise with its own talent base, and each show does things a little bit differently. While some of the major European shows get some notice online, there are others that get under-appreciated.
So that’s the kind of show we’re going to talk about today.

The performance in question came from the fourth season of The Voice of Bulgaria.
For anyone who hasn’t seen the show before, the basic format is that contestants come out onstage for a blind audition before a panel of judges. As the person sings, the judges can hit their buzzers to turn around and see who’s performing.

After that, they compete amongst themselves to see who will recruit the person to their team. Still, usually they know who’s singing immediately once they hit the buzzer.
But that wasn’t the case on this performance.

As the clip begins, the backing music for pop star Jessie J’s song “Flashlight” starts playing.
From the very beginning, the tone and control of the singer’s voice is incredible and beautiful. Although the original song isn’t that easy to sing, whoever’s performing does it with a perfect touch and perfect intonation.

Before long, all of the judges are looking at their buzzers… it’s just a matter of who’s going to push their button first. Though the first part was amazing, things really pick up when the singer gets to the chorus.
At that point, all four of the judges smash their buzzers to turn around!

Still, all the judges turn around only to see a huge sheet pulled over the stage rather than a performer.
At this point, everybody is a little confused—this isn’t how the show usually works, after all. The idea is to reveal whose voice belongs to the singer… maybe the person singing is just shy?

While the crowd is already giving the performer a standing ovation, everyone is getting antsy to see who it is.
When the curtain finally comes down, everyone is so surprised to see a skinny man standing there!

After a moment, he introduces himself to everyone as Nikola Konstantinov.
All the judges’ faces show just how confused and surprised they are—his voice was so high that everyone thought he must be a woman! After that, they make him do the song again with the curtain down.

Sure enough, his voice is just as amazing and delicate as it was in the first version. Still, it’s a little more surprising to see it come out of him up close!
Needless to say, the second performance gets the crowd going even more than the first one.

If there’s anything that this performance shows us, it’s that there’s still so much untapped and surprising talent in the world.
Though the format of the show is pretty well known to everybody by this point, this audition shows that there’s always still room to surprise people.

Though the judges and the audience loved him before, everybody warmed up even more when they saw his face. After hearing his voice, it’s clear Konstantinov has a future in music.
Congratulations to Nikola Konstantinov on his surprising performance! Watch the full thing in the link below:
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