Large Orchestra Plays Beautiful Version Of “Unchained Melody”
This is the most beautiful version of this song I’ve ever heard.
Chesney McDonald

It takes only the first few moments of the Righteous Brothers’s song “Unchained Melody” to instantly get a mental image in your head of the iconic scene from the movie “Ghost”. You know the one; Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore sensually making pottery together while the sultry sound of the Righteous Brothers sets the stage for romance and intimacy. It’s a popular song, and a real moment of cinema gold.

But has the song found a substantial life outside of the film?

Darkside Spectre/YouTube Screenshot
Darkside Spectre/YouTube Screenshot

Well, indeed it has!

In the town of Bremen, Germany several different orchestras all come together to play a combined cover of the song. Needless to say, it’s very moving and they do a fantastic job, and each individual orchestra as well as the various band members of each get their moment in the limelight.

Let’s take a closer look at what makes this rendition so special.

DerSoerper78/YouTube Screenshot
DerSoerper78/YouTube Screenshot

If you like people in uniform, then this is the video for you!

After our buddy starts us off with a simple solo trumpet to kick the song off, we start to see a few other orchestras join in, each with their own particular regalia. Sometimes it seems like military personnel can be a tad on the serious side. I’m not saying that’s true, but I will point you to look at this keyboardist who is NOT mucking about.

DerSoerper78/YouTube Screenshot
DerSoerper78/YouTube Screenshot

And when the tubas come in, they lend their gravitas.

Technically speaking it’s a sousaphone, as it fits around the band member’s body, but for all intents and purposes, let’s go with tuba. Just keep that sousaphone fact in your back pocket for the next time you need an interesting fact at a party. Or if you want to be a know-it-all at your nephew’s next recital.

DerSoerper78/YouTube Screenshot
DerSoerper78/YouTube Screenshot

Another “serious” player…

This drummer boy is doing his own purum-pum-pum-pum, but seems to be taking the matter very seriously indeed. Maybe this is like a drill, and anyone who messes up will be subject to intense discipline. Perhaps this is the face of a man hoping to avoid having to do 50 push ups and running 100 yards?

DerSoerper78/YouTube Screenshot
DerSoerper78/YouTube Screenshot

A little clarinet anyone?

When this orchestra joins in, we get to see a taste of what Mr. Clarinet has to offer. The soft timbre of this soothing instrument is just the ticket for such a tender song as this. Surely, the Righteous Brothers would deep this rendition righteous enough.

DerSoerper78/YouTube Screenshot
DerSoerper78/YouTube Screenshot

And when you see all the orchestras all lined up…wow!

A whole stadium is as good as filled with military orchestral bands. Now that’s one impressive affair! I wonder if they all have to march single file in and out?

DerSoerper78/YouTube Screenshot
DerSoerper78/YouTube Screenshot

Ah, bonjour Monsieur French Horn!

This man, who has arguably the the coolest uniform, almost nut-cracker level of lavish, toots on that French horn like a dutiful Christmas band member. Maybe Christmas has come early…in 2002…

DerSoerper78/YouTube Screenshot
DerSoerper78/YouTube Screenshot

And how fun to see such a multicultural event!

As we move across the different orchestras throughout the video you can recognise musicians from many diverse countries. Right on!

DerSoerper78/YouTube Screenshot
DerSoerper78/YouTube Screenshot

Watch the full video below to enjoy this BIG band rendition.

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