The Acrobatic World Gymnastics Championships started in 1974 and have been wowing people all around the world ever since.
In the AWGC, gymnasts’ do high-flying moves during jaw-dropping routines, with only the best making it into the top three. This trio from Ukraine does unbelievable moves that earn them third place in the fierce competition. Some of these moves hurt just watching!

The Acrobatic World Gymnastics Championships have highlighted many talented athletes, but almost none measure up to this Ukrainian trio.
During the 22nd AWGC back in 2010, Kateryna Kalyta, Nataliya Vinnyk and Luliia Odintsova stole the show with their remarkable performance that left the crowd breathlessly.

The trio starts off with some simpler dance moves but is flipping through the air in no time.
About 0:30 into the video, the acrobatics begin when two of the girls send the third flying into a double backflip.

After the first double-backflip, they flip their teammate again but this time she flies much higher.
From there, one of the gymnasts goes into the splits and the other two begin climbing on top of her to make a tower. Once the second girl is in place and on the shoulders of the first, the third girl climbs up both of them and on to the very top.

Once at the top of the human-tower, the gymnast showcases her strength and flexibility by doing some insane bends while balancing on her hands only.

The trio does some more floor moves, before throwing the smaller of the three into a flurry of flips and spins.

Timing is everything for these girls, one wrong move and they could all be seriously injured.
Then 1:40 into the video, they get into position and repeatedly flip their teammate through the air. They flip her every which way before landing her perfectly onto her feet once again.

They all do some spectacular individual moves before it’s time for another spine-tingling display of teamwork, strength and balance.
That’s when the girls begin climbing onto each other, this time in a different and more difficult formation. This time, the gymnast on the bottom supports the second girl with her knees, while the third girl puts all her weight on the second girl’s leg and perfectly balances on her stretched-out limb.

In the last part of their performance, they flip their teammate one more time before two of them drop to the ground and they all end in a pose.
The team from Ukraine received 3rd place for the brilliant routine, which left many people with the same question.

If that’s 3rd place, what do the first and second place look like?
At first, I thought there was no way any team could do better, that’s until I watched the 1st place performance by Russia and was blown away. One thing that makes them stand out is the size of their tumbler who was much smaller than the Ukrainian tumbler. Her smaller stature gave her the ability to fly higher than the rest and that won them first place.

Even though the Russian team won 1st place, the Ukrainian team might have won in the eyes of the people if we’re judging by views and likes.
While the Russian team went viral with over eight million views and 10,000 likes, the team from Ukraine got much more.
Team Ukraine’s 3rd place performance at AWCG has been viewed over 30 million times, with 36,000 likes.

The Acrobatic World Gymnastics Championships always bring out the best of the best, and these teams prove it.
They risk injury with their dangerous moves, all for a chance to be the world champs and we can’t get enough of it.

To see team Ukraine bring down the house, just watch the video below!
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