One of the best things about the internet is no matter who you are, you can share your creativity with the whole world.
In the old days of media, people who were talented would have to build an organic following in their communities or with fans and hope to be “discovered” by one of the major media outlets in order to grow significantly.

Fortunately, YouTube allows people to just upload their clips online without paying anything—and if they take off, they could find themselves with a new audience overnight!
Still, to get that kind of activity, you have to have a particularly unique voice.

Fortunately, the person in today’s video definitely does.
Although he’s not a household name, the performer we’re talking about today is a man named James Hill, who has his own unique musical style. In all, Hill is an award-winning ukulele player and songwriter.

Although people generally think of the ukulele as an easy instrument or something to be dismissed, Hill works hard to invest all kinds of originality and panache into his compositions and his versions of songs.
In all, his songs have inspired a whole generation of new players—and this performance is just one example.

In the performance we’re talking about, Hill was performing at the Don Quixote International Musical Hall in Felton, California.
The performance took place in May 2011 and as the video begins, Hill tunes his ukulele and banters a bit with the audience.

After he’s ready, he explains that on the road he has to find ways to save money—which means touring solo. Still, that also means it’s hard to fill out musical compositions because he’s the only one playing an instrument.
To that end, he says he needs the audience’s help on one of his songs.

After that, he just says he needs the audience to imagine that there are more players onstage with him!
He needs people to think there’s a bassist, a drummer and a piano player onstage as well. He demonstrates each of those “player’s” respective parts before telling the audience to concentrate very hard.

After that, Hill starts playing the bass line. After that, he adds in the drum track while still playing the bass line as well! Finally, he says everyone really has to believe for the last part to work.
When it’s finally done, he plays the last part… but the other two parts aren’t there!

Still, it was a fake-out—because a moment later, he plays all three parts seamlessly!
After he starts playing, he starts reciting the lyrics to “Billie Jean” by Michael Jackson, and it’s clear all of a sudden what song he’s been playing!

Needless to say, his ability to juggle so many different parts is so impressive! When there’s a moment for Jackson’s call and response, he turns it over to the audience for a call-and-response.
Since the video was uploaded, the video has earned itself four million views!

Although there are some great covers on YouTube, few of them are quite as unique as this.
Needless to say, this performance shows what artistic interpretation is all about. Although it’s clear what song he’s playing, it’s truly impressive just how complex the actual playing is as well! Although not everyone knows just how good ukulele music can be, Hill is changing minds all around the world.
Special thanks to James Hill on his amazing performance! Be sure to watch the whole thing in the link below:
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