Two teens take the stage but it’s guy that steals the show when his legs start to move
Boy, can this guy move! I couldn’t take my eyes off his legs!
Cedric Jackson

Watching people perform dance numbers is always exciting. That’s why so many people turn in each week to television shows that feature professionals. But when the dancers are teenagers, the excitement intensifies. After all, it’s amazing to see just how spectacular some young performers are.

2014 Dance Competition

In 2014, two teenagers by the names of Kayla Henley and Jeremy Webb competed as part of the National Shag Dance Championships. Their routine was filled with outstanding footwork and a few unique tricks. At the end of it, they won the Junior II Division. If anyone deserved to win, it was them.

YouTube Screenshot/Stages Video Productions
YouTube Screenshot/Stages Video Productions

It’s all about the Shag

This wasn’t just any competition but one where dancers had to Shag. In the 1930s, this particular style of dance was all the rage. It was so popular that in 1937, the famous Arthur Murray taught classes for those who wanted to learn. While it originated out of the African American community as a type of swing dance, by the 1940s and into the 1950s, it became the top dance choice associated with beachgoers.

YouTube Screenshot/Michael Browne
YouTube Screenshot/Michael Browne

Modern-day dance

Although the Shag faded for a while, it’s once again alive and well. As a matter of fact, it’s a common genre seen in competitions around the world. That’s where Kayla and Jeremy’s story comes in.

YouTube Screenshot/Michael Browne
YouTube Screenshot/Michael Browne

Viral video

These teens’ performance was uploaded to social media back in 2014. Since then, it’s been viewed more than 360,000 times. For anyone interested in seeing what this style looks like, this duo provides a perfect example.

YouTube Screenshot/Stages Video Productions
YouTube Screenshot/Stages Video Productions

Taking the stage

The video begins with Kayla and Jeremy standing together on stage. They’re both wearing black slacks and bright-colored pink shirts. For a little more dramatic effect, Jeremy has on a black vest and bright pink socks. Just with that, they make an impression. But things only get better from there.

YouTube Screenshot/Stages Video Productions
YouTube Screenshot/Stages Video Productions

Starting slow

At first, the couple dances slowly while arm-in-arm. But within a matter of seconds, the music tempo increases. That’s when the two of them start to show off their incredible footwork. With precision, they perform the Shag.

YouTube Screenshot/Stages Video Productions
YouTube Screenshot/Stages Video Productions

Moving fast

After just one turn, their feet are moving so fast it’s hard to keep up. They’re amazing. Although the audience cheered from the beginning, they’re now going wild. It’s only 15 seconds into the video and Kayla and Jeremy have already captured everyone’s attention.

YouTube Screenshot/Stages Video Productions
YouTube Screenshot/Stages Video Productions

They’ve got the right moves

What’s really awesome is that some of the people watching probably danced the Shag when they were teenagers. So, to see these young people doing the same thing would bring back a lot of fun memories. With each beat of the music, they nail it.

YouTube Screenshot/Stages Video Productions
YouTube Screenshot/Stages Video Productions

Taking things to a new level

Initially, this couple dances while holding onto each other with one hand. But quickly, they separate. When they come back together, Jeremy squats low to the ground. Not only are they fantastic dancers but also great athletes.

YouTube Screenshot/Stages Video Productions
YouTube Screenshot/Stages Video Productions

Pure perfection

Throughout the entire performance, this duo shows how it’s done. With twists, turns, and fancy footwork, they make it look so easy. But for these two to reach this level of talent, you know they’ve put in many years of hard work. One thing’s for sure…they’re a blast to watch.

YouTube Screenshot/Stages Video Productions
YouTube Screenshot/Stages Video Productions

To see the full performance, we invite you to click on the video below. All two minutes and forty-eight seconds of it are worth your time. Who knows, perhaps you’ll feel inspired to learn the Shag.

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Source: YouTube, Wikipedia
