When it comes to Irish dance, this isn’t just one form but many. As you’d expect, these dances originated from Ireland. Just as people did eons ago, they still perform routines as soloists, in performances, and as part of competitions. Watching someone do an Irish dance is thrilling.
Traveling Dance Masters
That’s what the people who influenced Irish dance were called during the 17 and 18 centuries. Over time, one dance broke off into several different styles based on region. Although this type of dancing is still a huge part of the Irish culture, it’s also become a highly popular form incorporated into competitions.

They make it look so easy
If you’ve ever seen anyone perform an Irish dance, you’ll agree that somehow, they make it seem super easy. But it requires a lot of training, practice, and self-discipline. An example of this involves two girls who do an amazing performance flawlessly.

A 2017 routine
A video of a 2017 performance at the McFadden Academy of Irish Dance was uploaded to social media. Although a lot of people competed, two girls stood out. Dressed in traditional Irish attire, they blew everyone away with their outstanding routine. So far, the video has been viewed more than 1.2 million times.

A little bit of insight
For those who don’t know anything about Irish dance, it’s important to understand how it works. As an example, the dancers must keep their arms to their sides at all times. Also, they do a series of quick steps that create a cool drumming-like sound on the floor. No, it’s not easy.

High kicks
Shortly after the two girls start to perform, they threw in some awesome moves. That included high kicks that were perfectly synchronized. It’s at that point you can tell they have a special talent for Irish dance.

Impeccable footwork
You’ll also notice just how great their footwork was. Keeping in time with the music while incorporating all the required steps, these girls excelled. And you can see they were having a blast performing for the audience.

As light as air
Going from one move to another, they were flawless. While we know it’s impossible, they looked as though they were floating on air. Wow…they’re so incredibly skilled.

Ballet-like moves
At one point, they make their way to a corner of the dance floor. There, they jumped just a few inches off the floor and did what looked very similar to a ballet move. Then, without missing a beat, they went right into another impressive move.

Simply captivating
There’s no question these girls were captivating. Throughout the entire piece, they grabbed people’s attention and held it. If they’re this much fun to watch in a video, we can only imagine how amazing it would’ve been to see them perform in person.

They nailed it…
…every second of their routine. Usually when two people dance together, especially when there’s a notable height difference, one of them is slightly off at some point. But that’s not what happened here. Every step was beautifully choreographed and in sync.

Pure perfection
This is what you call perfection. They’re that good. Hopefully, the younger competitors paid close attention to these girls. After all, they could learn a lot from them. As far as Irish dances go, this one takes the cake.

If you want to see the entire video, we invite you to click on it below. You won’t be disappointed.
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