Though the internet is filled with lots of depressing news every single day, some people are still out there trying to spread positivity and hilarity.
To that end, we have an unusual song from a few talented musicians. You might have seen people jamming to this song on TikTok or on social media, but have you ever seen the original video?

There is a song that people in the Tik Tok community are currently addicted to.
It consists of a small snippet of dialogue between two people exchanging the words “Wow, you can really dance” to each other. It’s all followed by a quick and silly dance that tries to make the other person laugh uncontrollably.

As the song became a meme on the internet, a lot of people are clueless about where it came from.
This song has been trying to get people in the mood to dance for years and now it is finally getting the attention it deserves!

The song that is currently overused in the Tik Tok socials is called “Coincidance.”
The music video was directed and choreographed by James Manzello, an American actor, comedian, musician and director. Manzello is also the man behind The Handsome Dancer, a YouTube channel releasing tons of catchy tunes and comedic dances.

His song “Coincidance” was uploaded online four years ago.
Still, the YouTube video has been flooding with views and likes once again ever since it became a dance meme craze in Tik Tok!
The dance steps are pretty simple: you just need to shimmy your shoulders to the rhythm while angling your head to look at the camera with a straight face.

The longer you do or stare at someone doing it, the more it seems impossible not to laugh at the silliness.
In the TikTok clips, people get creative when it comes to making the song sillier. They created their own dance steps complemented by weird outfits and their funny facial expressions. If those don’t make you die of laughter, then who knows what will!

Aside from their hilarious shoulder shimmying, the song holds a lesson that actually makes sense.

With the intense shoulder shimmies and the funky electric guitar that the video offered us, the music video contains a story that is relevant and useful in today’s world.
The song “Coincidance” talked about two men who are from a different place and upbringing but unknowingly share the same passion for dancing.

The first one was Kiki, whose brother was a fighting champion.
Despite that, Kiki remained true to his love of dancing. Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, there was Choo Choo, who the video describes as a “master of romance.”

Both Kiki and Choo Choo went on a journey around the world following their passions until they crossed paths in Amsterdam.
They realized that they both loved dancing and told each other, “What a coincidance!” Hence the name of the song!

Their whole point of the story was the amazing coincidence of an unexpected bond that formed just because there are people who could relate to a particular thing.
Even though the music video was meant to be comedic, it still has something of a message—maybe a mere coincidence could be the key to ending wars and achieving peace!
Be sure to check out the full video by clicking on the link below:
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Sources: New Now Next, YouTube/Handsome Dancer