Twins play harp unleashing remarkable version of “Stairway to Heaven” unlike anything heard before
I have no words for how incredible this is.
Sasha Alonzo

Have you ever explored the mesmerizing world of Harp Rock?

If this unique genre is new to you, allow the talented Camille and Kennerly, better known as the Harp Twins, to be your musical guides!

These identical twins discovered their love for the harp at a very young age and pursued rigorous classical training at universities, specializing in harp performance, to master this ancient instrument.

Camille Kennerly - Instagram
Camille Kennerly - Instagram

With their innovative and original compositions, the twins have enchanted audiences around the globe, bringing a fresh perspective to the music scene.

They passionately state, “We have a passion and flair for arranging and performing rock, metal, and soundtrack music for Harp Duet…”

By blending the elegance of harp with the energy of rock and metal, they’ve created a unique musical niche, offering a refreshing twist to conventional genres.

Camille Kennerly - Instagram
Camille Kennerly - Instagram

They boldly interpreted the rock classic, “Stairway to Heaven” by Led Zeppelin, maintaining the integrity of the original composition while playing it on their harps.

It might seem like a Herculean task to replicate such a piece on harps, but the twins, with their professional finesse, accomplish it beautifully, proving the versatility of their chosen instrument.

Harp Twins - YouTube
Harp Twins - YouTube

They performed this piece at the majestic base of the Grand Staircase in the “Place de la Musique” of the Sanfilippo Family Estate and Museum in Illinois.

This location, steeped in musical resonance, was a perfect backdrop for such a timeless piece, adding a layer of ethereal charm to the performance.

Harp Twins - YouTube
Harp Twins - YouTube

The moment they strike the first chord, the iconic melody of “Stairway to Heaven” fills the air, captivating every listener.

The seamless harmony between the twins seems almost supernatural, their synchronized play in simple, elegant white dresses adding a celestial touch to their performance, making it a visual and auditory feast.

Harp Twins - YouTube
Harp Twins - YouTube

The delicate and refined tones of the harp transform the rock song into a gentle and sublime melody, making it easy to momentarily forget its rock origins and the legendary band, Led Zeppelin, behind it.

The twins don’t just offer a glimpse; they play the entire song, their unique rendition drawing millions, creating a viral sensation!

Harp Twins - YouTube
Harp Twins - YouTube

They proudly share, “No studio or sound engineer. No splices, edits, loops, overlays, or backtracks. Just 2 harps — 1 audio take!”

Their musical adventure extends beyond this single piece; their YouTube playlist boasts 23 harp rock songs, each video a viral hit, covering iconic bands like Metallica, Iron Maiden, Guns N’ Roses, and more, showcasing the limitless possibilities of harp rock.

Harp Twins - YouTube
Harp Twins - YouTube

The overwhelming appreciation and accolades they’ve received are poof of their talent, with fans commenting, “Taking one of the hardest instruments to learn… and playing the instrumentals of songs that never would have been thought of being played on said instrument is just FANTASTIC!”

Their music is accessible on various streaming platforms, allowing admirers to experience their beautiful renditions at any time, anywhere.

Harp Twins - YouTube
Harp Twins - YouTube

So, brace yourself for a musical journey and watch their full performance of “Stairway to Heaven”!

Experience the harmonic convergence of elegance and energy, and don’t forget to share the extraordinary world of Camille and Kennerly’s harp rock with your friends and family, spreading the joy of music.

Watch the twins in the video below.

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