If your childhood was anything like mine, you’ve probably seen The Nutcracker ballet performed (at least on video) many, many times. Just in case you haven’t, The Nutcracker is a two-act ballet adapted from a short story and accompanied by music from Tchaikovsky. The overall story concerns a magical nutcracker which comes to life and has to fight off a horde of rats—including the rat king. The performance is much beloved by many generations and families.
And apparently, the love has been passed on to a new generation as well.
The video shows twin ice skaters Katarina and Dakota DelCamp.
The DelCamps have a YouTube channel called 2DoubleEdge where they post many of their ice-skating performances. Still, one of their earliest performances is when the two were only four years old. As the clip begins, Katarina does a little hop, strikes a pose and then starts her performance.
Although she’s still very young, Katarina’s performance is quite impressive!

Katarina skates around the rink and does several daring maneuvers.
She skates backward, does a few hops, a few spins and a few more dramatic poses for good measure. Still, things get stepped up a notch when little Dakota starts skating as well! Dakota follows up with some moves of his own. He also gets in a few hops along with some fancy footwork, all while swooping and saluting.
Still, the final wave of the performance is when the two start to skate together.
After they join hands, the two try a few daring moves in unison. Katarina goes into a deep squat-like move while Dakota lifts one leg! The two then spin around and Katarina lifts her leg in the air, all while skating backward. At the end, the two strike a final pose and the crowd applauds. Still, it’s more accurate to say that they applaud through the entire performance!
While this video was uploaded in 2009, it has since gotten more than five million views and continues to gain in popularity.
The video is just one of many impressive performances on the YouTube channel. Even more inspiring is that the two DelCamp siblings have grown up and are still skating! For parents of anyone interesting in ice skating, these two show how important it is to get started young!
Congratulations to Katarina and Dakota on a great performance!
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