Do you live in an area with much public transit?
Depending on our situation in life, we may not ever need to take a bus or ride a train. In some cases, the place we live is extremely sprawled out and everyone needs to have a car to get around there.
In others, we may simply have a job or a living situation where we don’t need to use public transit. Whatever the case, those who live in the city often have to take the bus or subway—and often have interesting experiences because of it.
That was definitely the case for this story.
The story takes place in Perth, Australia, where a group of train passengers was on their way to another destination.
As the clip begins, everyone files onboard and sits down in whatever seats are available. After that, the train conductor gives a nice and inspiring greeting to the passengers:
“I’d like to contribute to this train ride by saying thank you. Thank you for waking up so early this morning on this cold wintry morning. Thank you for deciding to come out of your warm cozy homes to make your way to work. Thank you for working for providing for your friends, your families, your futures.”
Needless to say, this is definitely not the way that most train rides begin.
After that, the conductor says that he’ll be inviting everyone to sing a song together that morning.
Next, someone walks around the train passing out sheet music with lyrics and another man starts playing the ukulele! The song he’s playing is “Over the Rainbow,” originally from The Wizard of Oz.
A moment later, a few people are giggling at the situation. Before long though, a good portion of the train is joining in on the spontaneous performance!
Although the morning commute is typically not a very happy experience, these performers turned it all around!
By the end of the video, nearly the entire train has joined in and is dancing and singing along!
After a few minutes of singing together, the whole crowd bursts into applause. Needless to say, the spontaneous performance was a big success and has made quite a splash online—after all, it has more than 18 million views on YouTube!
As it turns out, this entire performance was pre-arranged by a group called The Liberators International.
For those who don’t know, The Liberators have made it their mission to spread positivity and connection all over the world!
According to their website, the group plans “participatory acts of freedom” that let people break out of their boxes.
To do this, the group goes out in public spaces to do social experiments that let people break up the tedium of their daily lives. They’ve done other videos where one of their members stood blindfolded in a crowd and waited for strangers to come up and hug him:
And they’ve even given their own TED Talks about how more acts of kindness could create a global revolution:
Above all, the group is looking to spread as much joy as they can—and this spontaneous train performance was a great example.
Keep up the good work, guys! Watch the full song in the video below:
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