Drill sergeant breaks out in song during march showcasing powerful voice that stands out from the rest
I think it's safe to say her voice took the cadets completely by surprise!
Sasha Alonzo

Drill sergeants are notorious yelling out orders to their soldiers. As the person in charge they need to ensure that their soldiers are disciplined and staying in line. The same goes for female sergeants. They’re not trying to be mean but rather, prepare military personnel under their command for possible battle. After all, to serve this country, enlisted soldiers have to be rough and tough.

Important responsibilities

As a drill sergeant, these people carry a lot of responsibility. That includes counseling, mentoring, and coaching. Their goal is to transform everyday civilians into combat-ready soldiers. They start their day well before dawn and don’t finish until late into the evening.


Just like any other person

But no matter how tough a drill sergeant appears on the outside, they’re still human beings on the inside. That means they share the same emotions as everyone else. They also have talents that typically remain hidden from the soldiers they lead.

YouTube Screenshot/Shaniqua King
YouTube Screenshot/Shaniqua King

Training, training and more training

As part of the soldiers’ daily training, they ordeal a lot. These men and women are required to run, do push-ups, climb walls, and a host of other physical activities. But they also learn to march. To teach them to stay in step, the drill sergeant typically uses a chant with a distinct rhythm.

YouTube Screenshot/Shaniqua King
YouTube Screenshot/Shaniqua King

A delightful surprise

But to keep her troops in step, one drill sergeant from Fort Jackson took a different approach. The video of what happened was shared on social media. And in no time, it garnered more than 1.3 million views, not to mention all the comments of praise.

YouTube Screenshot/Shaniqua King
YouTube Screenshot/Shaniqua King

So, what did she do that was different?

She sang. That’s right. Instead of calling out orders, she sang them. That’s when her soldiers discovered something. She had a fantastic voice. We’re not talking about just pretty but American Idol-level talent.

YouTube Screenshot/Shaniqua King
YouTube Screenshot/Shaniqua King

Nothing special…

…at first. When the video begins, you see a group of soldiers wearing backpacks. More than likely, they’re going on an intense training mission as part of basic training. You hear them chant while marching in response to calls made by their drill sergeant.

YouTube Screenshot/Shaniqua King
YouTube Screenshot/Shaniqua King

Her voice starts to change

At the 46-second mark in the video, this drill sergeant begins to sing her orders. Wow…she has the voice of an angel. Seriously, this woman has incredible talent. And if her soldiers hadn’t heard her voice before, there’s no question they were shocked.

YouTube Screenshot/Shaniqua King
YouTube Screenshot/Shaniqua King

A beautiful voice

Instead of hearing orders barked out, they had the opportunity to listen to their drill sergeant sing. That had to feel inspirational. Not only did she sound amazing but marching while singing is quite difficult. Yet, she made it seem so effortless.

YouTube Screenshot/Shaniqua King
YouTube Screenshot/Shaniqua King

Beaming with pride

Shortly after this sergeant begins to sing, you can almost see her soldiers stand a little taller and march with a little more purpose. Can you imagine having a leader like this instead of one that yells? They had to feel so proud.

YouTube Screenshot/Shaniqua King
YouTube Screenshot/Shaniqua King

Comments flooded in

Hearing her voice, people flooded social media with comments. One poster said, “Her voice is like a ray of sunshine in the abysmal suck of basic training. I’d march ten miles to her cadence any day.” That pretty much sums it up.

YouTube Screenshot/Shaniqua King
YouTube Screenshot/Shaniqua King

But another individual wrote, “Bring her out in combat and the war is already won.” We have to agree. With a voice like that it’s hard to imagine anyone wanting to fight. Listen to her for yourself in the video below. She really is talented!

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Source: YouTube, Wikipedia
