If you ever have the opportunity to go to a dance recital, it’s definitely worth the time. It’s so enjoyable to see everyones hardwork come to life in one magical evening. You get to watch all kinds of talented performances, everything from tap to jazz, to ballet.
But one of the most adorable performances to see is the toddler dance numbers.

It’s absolutely precious when those tiny talents come out on stage with their glittery costumes and little dance shoes. Even though most of them might not know the whole routine they’ve practiced, it’s the sweetest thing to see them at least try. In Chillicothe Ohio, a troop of 2 and 3-year-olds were ready to show their moves for their big recital.
Get ready for this cuteness overload because these little ones dressed in blue are almost too adorable to handle.

The 7 dancers started their routine lined up on stage with their hands on their hips looking around at one another. It was like they were saying to each other “hey you remember the dance right?”.
For most people, being on stage with a spotlight on your face can be pretty nerve-racking.

But these youngsters took it like champs, not one ran off the stage in tears. The tiny dancers began to dance to the song ‘Rock-a-Bye Your Bear‘ by The Wiggles.
It was an adorable little dance that went along with what the song was saying, making it easy enough for the tots.

While some of the tiny dancers tried to copy each others moves, some other dancers just stopped the routine altogether.
I don’t blame them for getting off beat, it’s pretty easy to get distracted when you’re up their dancing with the same friends you’ve been practicing with for months.

They all twirled and waved about, doing their routine the best they could. But some dancers were ready to just hug their besties and get off the stage.
So towards the end their dance teacher got right on stage with them to keep them on track for the last bits of their routine.

It was precious to see them all get back into the groove once their teacher got up their with them.
Hey, it’s not easy to remember an entire dance number, especially when you’re 3-years-old.

This little troop did an outstanding job, and they’ll only continue to get better and better as they get older.
The dancing community is such a wonderful thing to get kids into.

There are so many benefits of dance that you might not even think about. It’s great for building confidence and social strength as well as physical health and improving listening skills.
Thats just a few of the many benefits that can positively influence you or your child’s life.

These tiny dancers sure look like they had a blast out there on center stage. Maybe next time they won’t need their teacher up their to help them out.
But honestly, I’m impressed that these 2 and 3-year-olds had the confidence to go up their and give it their best.

If you need some sunshine in your day, this charming little performance will definitely lift your spirits.
Get ready for cuteness overload in the video below!
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