It’s no secret that dance recitals are some of the best moments for parents who are raising young children. Not only is it so nice to see your child partake in something creative and show off their talents, but it can also be really entertaining and funny to watch. They are kids after all, which means that it probably won’t all go exactly to plan.

For instance, we will never forget about this tiny dancer who managed to steal the entire show at her dance recital. Surrounded by a bunch of Mini Mouses, she pretty much wreaked havoc on the show, spinning out of control and doing pretty much whatever she wanted.
The dance didn’t necessarily go to plan, however it did make for a hilarious moment that would go on to be remembered forever.

There is also that other time where a ton of little dancers dressed up in penguin costumes waddled all across the stage for what would make an epic performance.
It was the first dance recital for a young girl named Ellen and filmed in May 2008, yet we are still thinking about it to this day. What a great first try for Ellen too, who never seemed to miss a beat and even helped her fellow dancers along the way!

And who could ever forget about this spunky pre-schooler who totally elevated her dance recital to the next level? Her personal performance within the rest of the group made the recital totally worthwhile, as it was fun and hilarious and… Well, definitely not boring. That is for sure.
There was planned choreography of course, but she seemed to forget every bit of it when her time came to shine on stage.

But that is okay because, again, that amazing performance will have us smiling forever.
And that leads us to our newest dance recital discovery, potentially one of the cutest performances yet.

In the clip, we see two young girls who are just two-years-old, rocking fluffy and sparkly yellow tutus. They are dancing to “You Are My Sunshine,” which makes it even more precious. But what makes it so funny is that it seems like neither of them went through any choreography together… Like, at all.
As the performance starts, they both (sort of) hold hands as they smile and stand next to each other. Then they turn to one another and lift their arms up and wave as if they are saying hello.

Then they both start to jump up and down and clap at the same time (impressive, honestly!). They laugh and smile and they may not really be on the same page but hey, at least one thing is clear: They are having the best time of their lives.

“My daughter, Wilhelmina (with the curly hair, on the right) and her little friend dancing in their very first dance recital. You never know what two year olds are going to do when they get on stage! The bow at the end is priceless,” one of the dancer’s mothers wrote in the description of the video.

Wilhelmina’s mom has a great point. At two-years-old, you really just cannot predict what your child is going to do. This is especially true when you put them on a stage in front of an audience — anything can happen!

Nonetheless, the two continue on and at the end, they receive impressive applause from everyone in the crowd. The seats were probably filled with very understanding (and entertained) parents, everyone there just showed their full support.
What’s not to love about two young children having the best time together? It’s nothing but sweet!

The video also went on to earn half a million views, that’s how funny and cute it is! We bet Wilhelmina’s mom was not expecting that when she just decided to share her daughter’s dance recital!
Check out the adorable performance below.
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