The 56th annual Minstrel Show, “Hooked on a Feeling” was held in November at River View High School.
This took place back in around 2013 but the “Tiny Dancers” skit is still as funny today as it was back then thanks to three hilarious dads.
It was these three gentlemen who took dad jokes to a whole new level.

“Dancing” to old and then-modern songs, the guys had their audience laughing from start to finish.
And they’ll have you giggling in your seat too.
Wearing sewn shirts and pants, the dads had their hands as the legs and feet while their arms were controlled by very feminine looking hands.
So these men sat down with their wives, discussing what to do for the show over food and drinks to get those creative juices flowing, and came up this.

They look like dwarves, like the ones you’ll see in cartoons, so the initial impression is already enough to have you smiling.
In putting a skit like this together, participants will have to rehearse the script many times since the goal is to be super funny.

It’s quite the show.
You want the audience to be buzzing and laughing the moment you and your friends take the stage.
The sheets and table need to be secured so they will stay in place throughout the performance.

These dads certainly made sure they got everything done right!
Look at those expressions on their faces for each dance they do.
It’s one thing to dance and perform but knowing when to make the right faces to sell the moment is a pro move.
Even the best actors know this.

Especially the man in the middle who had this viewer saying,
“Dave, in the center, is Outstanding with his facial expressions. The most animated faces for any guy doing these puppet dances on the Internet. Fantastic job by Pastor Dave in this video. Way to have Fun, y’all. Looking forward to some more of these dances in the near future.”
Pastor Dave is blessed with the gift of comedy!

The songs are so random, ranging from old to pop to Psy’s “Gangnam Style”, but these dads don’t miss a beat, just going ahead and making everyone laugh with their dancing.
Seriously, there’s something for everyone!

Another viewer who obviously loved the show wrote:
“What makes this even funnier is the obviously feminine hands with long fingernails and diamond solitaire rings doing all the gestures. The selection of music is perfect too! I love this.”
This looks so simple but it really isn’t.

It’s all about timing and rhythm and that’s working with a partner and as a team!
Pastor Dave and his friends don’t need fancy lighting and exceptional moves to win crowds.
It is amazing what they were able to accomplish with the thought of making everyone else laugh.
And it’s become a memorable performance, with people still watching this video today.
Laugh your heart out with this performance in the video below!
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