Tiny cowgirl steals million heart with ice routine
She deserves the the first place.
Kenny Fernandez

If your kids want to start ice skating – let them. Did you know that kids can actually learn skating lessons as early as 3 years old?

That’s right, as early as 3; your little one can also show interest in sports and other hobbies too. If you see that your little one is fond of ice skating, then don’t hesitate to ask them if they already want to learn this amazing sport.

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During these years, a little child can already have an attention span of 20 to 30 minutes tops – but don’t worry. They don’t have to learn about the complex moves and practices of ice skating yet.

The first part of their lessons would just be focused on being able to balance on the ice and wearing the skate shoes. Once that is done, they are thought of the basic movements that they can use on the ice skating rink.

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The perfect example is Alexis Springer who has been the champion of their local ice skating competition – twice. From 2009 and 2010, Alexis has made her school, parents, and of course, herself proud!

The video was posted last October 2010 – yep, it has been that long but the video is still receiving various comments until today and some may wonder why.

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Well, it’s because it shows how a little child progresses when it comes to sports. Every great ice skater once started as a beginner and seeing humble beginnings like this is more than just beautiful – it’s inspiring especially for kids like Alexis.

The video starts as Alexis smiles as her coach instructs her and then she gets ready. The beautiful girl is seen wearing a pink cowboy suit with stars and glitters – which we think is perfect for her. Her hair is also braided that perfectly suits her over all look.

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Hoedown Throwdown by Miley Cyrus starts playing and Alexis starts clapping her hands to the beat.

She starts going in circles while occasionally gives the audience some surprises such as crossovers, the Chinese spiral, and even some cute dance moves.

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We must commend her amazing balance! At a very young age, she is able to do her amazing skating routine without falling down. Another thing to notice here is how she was able to do her crossover moves. We all know that this is an essential skill in figure skating and she is able to do it flawlessly.

We also love how she smiles all throughout the performance! Did you know that this is her second time winning in the said event?

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Unfortunately, some comments were all about her performance being basic and simple and some even questioned why she won first place.

Good thing that there were also people who knows how this competition works. At her age and expertise level, Alexis’ performance as superb and she definitely deserves her title.

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As a child and as a beginner, you only need to focus on what you can do and how you get better through the years.

For all those who want to try ice skating – don’t you ever get discouraged if you fail or even fall. Try and try again and you could be the next champion in an ice skating event!

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