Listening to a choir perform can bring a lot of people to tears. Yet, every so often, there’s one that can actually leave you rolling with laughter.
It all started when teens from Timpanogos High School Choir gathered on stage for their final concert. They were dressed in fancy attire – but don’t let that fool you. What they had planned for the audience wasn’t just your typical singing act.

The male and female vocalists stand in several rows facing everyone. After one girl snaps her fingers, they’re ready to begin.
What they had in store was an a cappella rendition of the “William Tell Overture,” by Gioachino Rossini. The song was composed for the 1829 opera William Tell.
As the teens open their mouths to sing the instrumental sounds, they fan out across the stage. Next, they all flip around with their backs towards everyone. That is, except for one member…

Out of nowhere, she lets out a huge horse’s “neigh.” It’s not really what you would expect during a fancy performance – however, it was a clue of the hilarity that was about to come.
The crowd roars with laughter over the girl’s horse impression. After it calms back down there’s some more snapping of fingers. Suddenly, several of the male performers join in on the barnyard fun by pulling out some invisible ponies.

It’s a comical scene as they pretend to ride them, with more and more students joining in. Likely you know the familiar tune, which is famously connected to the Lone Ranger.
At one point, they gather in a group while one of the teens points to something far in the distance. They’re all galloping together – looking just like a scene from a western.

What’s most incredible is the choir’s ability to sing the instrumental piece from William Tell – and do an amazing job with it. Understandably, the teens reach a time during the act when they have to sit and catch their breaths…
But of course, they’re just kidding!

Comedy doesn’t always come to people’s minds when they think of “opera.” Apparently though, composer Gioachino Rossini actually had a humorous side to him as well.
According to Song Facts,
“Rossini was not only famous as a writer of comic operas, but was also renowned for his wit. On one occasion the composer congratulated the diva Adelina Patti with the words ‘Madame, I have cried only twice in my life, once when I dropped a wing of truffled chicken into Lake Como and once when for the first time I heard you sing.'”

The choir rises to their feet for one last hurrah to end the performance. They shake their hips for the crowd and give a few more notes before dipping their heads down in pretend exhaustion.
Unsurprisingly, the crowd gave a huge round of applause for the students. On top of showing their incredible singing talents, they also proved to everyone that they weren’t “one-trick ponies.” Perhaps they were all cut out for the world of comedy too.

Their rendition of the “William Tell Overture” has been spreading joy since it was posted on YouTube. As of now, it has more than 1.2 million views! Not too bad for a high school choir.
If you’re in need of a good laugh, look no further. You can watch their unique (and hysterical) performance below!
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