More musicians than ever are blowing up overnight.
Social media has given countless artists the ability to spread their music with just the click of a button. While not everyone posting to YouTube, TikTok or Instagram will blow your mind, now and again, you come across an artist who is clearly a cut above the rest. This 21-year-old guitarist is one of those musicians, and you’ll know exactly why when you see her play.
Everything about her screams superstar!

Towa Bird stuns the internet with her electric performance of “The Less I Know The Better” by Australian rock band Tame Impala.
These are difficult times for musicians all around the world, but thanks to the internet, artists like Towa Bird have taken the world by storm. All though she’s been on the scene for quite some time with her band Cassyette, over the last year, her TikTok account has blown up to over 500,000 followers.

In this video, the London-based artist posted her first performance to YouTube and left people on the platform begging for more.
Right from the start, Towa begins shredding her ax in a way that not many musicians are capable of.
Live from her bedroom in London, Towa proceeds to light her guitar on fire with her quick riffs and unique style.
Towa makes it look easy every step of the way, even bursting into laughter without skipping a beat at one point. “The Less I Know The Better” is the last single from Tame Impala’s third album, Currents, and is not an easy song to play by any stretch of the imagination but that doesn’t discourage Towa.

With the entire music industry scrambling to stay afloat, Towa’s found a loophole to success after the pandemic forced her to cancel a number of festivals/live-shows Cassyette were set to play.
Even more incredible, Towa isn’t just a musician. She also does her bands production, in an industry dominated by male producers
That’s right, at just 21-years-old, Towa is making a name for herself as a top-notch guitarist, and trailblazing female music producer. In at interview with Buro, the gifted musician explained what that meant to her:

“It’s super important, man! I think something like 98 per cent of producers are male? It’s nice to bring a little diversity to the club, and I definitely think we need it. Growing up, there were very few female producers and guitarists, especially WOC to look up to as role models. I’d hope that I could potentially be one of those people in the future to the little kiddies.”
Towa’s relatively new TikTok page already has over seven million likes, and her YouTube channel is right there with it.
The YouTube channel Towa created only nine months ago already has 171,000 subscribers, and it’s easy to see why!
As if all of this wasn’t enough to make you love her, Towa is also big into charity, raising 600 Euros with two live streams for a charity that helps people in the united states’ lopsided justice systems called The Bail Project.
All in all, Towa Bird is the complete package.
An extremely talented musician, and music producer, who also has a wonderful heart made for giving back and fighting for what’s right. People on YouTube went wild for her cover of “The Less I Know The Better,” flooding her page with positive feedback.

Her bedroom performance of the popular song has been viewed over 1.6 million times, with 124,000 people who liked it.
Music lovers from all around the world also left comments for the rising star, with many enthralled with her outstanding skills and commanding presence.

“shes not even on a stage, but her stage presence in this video is insane, her energy is magnetizing,” YouTube user Loren commented.
It’s impossible to say how many young women Towa Bird will inspire to follow their dreams and realize their full potential, but our guess is it will be a ton.

To see Towa Bird own this performance of “The Less I Know The Better,” just watch the video below!
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