Taylor Sirset is about to memorize you with her dramatic showcase ice skating routine.
Taylor glides over the ice with beautiful grace throughout her entire performance. Her performance is one that pulls on your heartstrings with every emotion. She dances with her entire being and soul, which makes it impossible to look away from her. There is a difference between performing a routine you know by heart and performing a routine through your heart.
Taylor is one of those few performers that skates through her heart.

Taylor Sirset was competing in the division of Showcase Dramatic. According to the U.S. Figure Skating’s official website this division has,
“Skaters perform a program demonstrating a strong emotional connection and investment in the music.”

Taylor chose the perfect song to perform an emotional connection with, Christina Perri’s “A Thousand Years”. The song is about falling in love and promising yourself to another person, no matter the fears a person has or the trails it took to find their true love. It describes knowing how completely in love she is with her soulmate.
Taylor is able to beautifully portray these lyrics through her body and moves over the ice.

Taylor’s performance has amazing moments of spins and hard tricks, but the emotion comes through in her smaller moments.
The movements of Taylor’s arms throughout her performance show such elegance and grace. During her first big spin, Taylor has her hands over her heart and slowly moves them above her head. While it might not seem like much, the holding of her heart before opening her heart up through her hands is where the emotion of the dance is at its best.

Taylor’s sister, Teagan, commented on the video stating,
“She choreographed this program herself.”

Figure Skating is most known for the jumps and spins but there is an artistry that ice skaters bring to their performances as well. Taylor Sirset shines on the ice through her artistry. She has choreographed every jump and spin to match the perfect moment within the emotion of the song. Between the big moments she made sure to choreograph the perfect small moments that really shine in her dramatic showcase.
She is not only a talented ice skater, she is a talented choreographer too.

The last spin that Taylor performs in her routine might be the best one throughout.
Not only is the spin very technical and impressive, but it also embodies the entire meaning of the song within her last moments. Taylor starts to spin fast with one leg straight out. As the spin progresses, her leg starts to bend until her foot is behind her. Once her entire it is behind her, she grabs the skate and pulls it over her head. This causes her to finally slow down and end the spin.

The song is about being taking that leap into true love because she knows that is where her true happiness lies, but she is still scared to do so in the very beginning. It is almost like her life has been spinning out until the moment she chooses love, as she grabs her foot, it slows her down into calmness, knowing she has chosen the right path.
The spin in the most elegant and emotional move to end such an amazing performance.

Watch Taylor’s full performance right below and pick your favorite part of the emotional routine.
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