Healthy daddy-daughter bonds are very important, and they raise a girl’s chances of developing much-needed confidence in life.
Fathers must be involved in their daughters’ lives from an early age if they want that bond to grow stronger.

As this video shows, Dwayne Johnson seems to understand that very well.
In this clip, he’s hanging out with his daughter Tia as the two sing along a rap portion of “You’re Welcome” from the 2016 film Moana.
The Rock’s soft side is the most adorable thing we’ve seen in a while!
Naturally, all parents want to be close to their children—it’s just somehow different when you see a celebrity doing what a “normal” dad does.

We are so used to seeing Dwayne Johnson playing a tough guy in most of his roles, and it’s very refreshing to see him in the role of father.
His daughter Tia is a precious little girl, and the way she looks at her daddy is heart-warming.

It’s more than obvious that she adores her father and that they spend a lot of time together.
The video was filmed in their bathroom where Johnson teaches his baby girl the importance of washing hands properly during the coronavirus pandemic—and a “stay safe lesson” has never been cuter!

Now we know why we loved so much hearing him as a lead voice role in the popular Disney animated film Moana.
Tia is cute as a button, and she listens to her dad carefully. As he explains the importance of staying safe in times of self-isolation, the girl repeats some of the words back to him.

Her eyes are glued to her father the whole time.
First, Johnson takes some soap and proceeds to wash her hands properly. His singing is phenomenal, and you can see that the girl will take a lesson out of it because she’s being taught in a fun way.

Let’s be honest—kids learn more through fun and games, and parents should take this inspiration out of this.
Staying positive during hard times is very challenging, but Dwayne and Tia’s example is certainly helpful!

As it turns out, this isn’t the first awesome video of the two of them goofing around.
Just look at this one where Johnson repeatedly sings Maui’s song for baby Tia, but she refuses to believe that her dad played the role! We don’t know if he managed to convince her in the end that he did…but at least she loved the movie.

She jumps in the song a few times, and he’s got a couple of questions for her in the end.
When asked what message everyone should take out of this, she replies “stay healthy” and “stay safe.”

Wait until you hear her saying that “coronavirus has to go!”
No wonder this kiddo turned her father into jelly—our hearts melted, too!
Since it was posted, the video has earned more than five million views on YouTube.

Thousands of comments have expressed love for the relationship these two have, and people are more than amazed to see Dwayne Johnson in his best role so far.

Everyone has a unique bond with their children, but this one is particularly adorable.
To watch the entire adorable video, be sure to watch the whole thing in the link below:
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